Corporate social responsibility is a self-regulatory check for businesses to be socially accountable to their local and global community, customers, and stakeholders. It is based on the concept that businesses have a responsibility to do good. There are four main types of CSR activities; Environmental Responsibility: Research has found that just 100 companies are responsible for more than 70% of …
Wellbeing in Workplaces for 2022
This article addresses the need for well-being initiatives in the workplace as a silver bullet for thriving organizations. It covers highlights from 2021 that lay the ground for setting processes in organizations supporting positive mental health as an outcome. Lastly, I offer suggestions on creating a baseline to address these issues. 2022 is still a year of recovery from the …
Collective sensemaking in the period of uncertainty and global crisis the Covid-19
Uncertainty is at the forefront of many crises, disasters, and emergencies, and the COVID-19 pandemic with the arrival of third-wave is no exception. We, as psychologists are concerned with the coming of organizational pressures on the team workers and changing patterns of behavior of staff members owing to new challenges both in the structure and administrative field. We can begin …
Online Counseling : Strikes when the iron is hot
Just like a storybook tales one day a nightmare came and changed the plot of the story and made us depend on an online world, shopping and education was something already been accepted but suddenly, wedding, court proceedings, and your doctor’s appointment was also made online, initially, it was vague, how, when, where, but everything was managed to be smooth …
Why Is It Important To Consider The Mental Wellbeing Of The Employees In Companies, Now More Than Ever?
Since numbers excite us and give us a measurable estimate, let us talk about the current most pressing issue in numbers! Yes, let us talk about mental health in numbers! Do you know the alarming numbers revolving around mental health in India? According to a 2019 study conducted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in India, 1. Around 7.5% of …
What Are The Reasons Behind The Rising Mental Health Issue Among The Youth
On an average 10-20% adolescents throughout the world suffer from mental health problems. More than half of these problems begin before the age of 15, yet such issues are left under-diagnosed and under-treated (Kessler et al, 2007; WHO, 2020). According to the National Mental Health Survey of India, among the youth mental health conditions account for 7.3% out of the …
Loneliness Among Young Adults During The COVID-19 Pandemic And Increase In Mental Health Problems
Mental Illness Is Our Epidemic within the Corona-virus Pandemic” (Miller, 2020). The novel corona virus disease is not restricted to physical illness. In a very short period of time, it has triggered economic, social and mental crisis (Usmanetal., 2020). Is covid 19 the stepping stone for an upcoming mental health crisis? It is a natural bodily response of an individual …
A word most of us are all too familiar with. And yet not many of us understand it. We all have experienced it at different points in time. We all have experienced it in different forms and intensities. Wikipedia defines it as “Loneliness is an unpleasant emotional response to perceived isolation. Loneliness is also described as social pain—a psychological mechanism …
Normalizing “The Talk”
We live in a society, Where sex education, live in relationships, one night stands. Have always been a taboo. These things I never discussed openly in families. This is because we Indians are very steeped in traditions or our interpretation of traditions. So while we are very quick to embrace the West when it comes to our clothes, the way …
Pandemic (COVID-19) Effect on Emotional Well-Being of Children
This Pandemic situation, last few months have been really tough for everyone and so it is for parents as well as for kids too. It’s a time for parents to learn how to deal with their kids 24/7 and for kids how to make the most use of their time and energy. In the earlier phase of covid-19 ( lockdown1) …