Mood Disorders and Weather: Exploring the Impact of Rain on Depression and Anxiety

Team IIBP Anveshan, issue 48, Mental Health, Volume 4

While rain symbolizes many things to different crowds, one can not ignore its profound impact on the human psyche. Rain has inspired many poets, writers and authors to give it its own unique personality. Sometimes it is depicted as a hero that ends the suffering of desperate farmers, sometimes a lover that soothes a broken heart, and sometimes a disaster …

Social Interactions During Rainy Days: How Weather Affects Communication and Behavior in Public Spaces

Team IIBP Anveshan, General Psychology, issue 48, Mental Health, Volume 4

Any interaction between two or more people is considered a social interaction. They all speak in specific ways or act in certain ways according to cultural norms. Every day, social interactions take place when we or others express ourselves to others through verbal or nonverbal cues. Human behavior is nevertheless greatly influenced by the weather, even on rainy days.  Rain …

Workplace Productivity : How rain influences Motivation and Performance in different industries

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Employee wellbeing, issue 48, Mental Health, Occupational Health, Organizational Development, Volume 4

You have an important meeting today and you wake up to cloudy, dark weather. Your entire morning routine, which includes having your coffee in the balcony, soaking up the bright sunlight, going for a jog, coming back, getting fresh and meditating to the sound of birds singing gets disrupted and all you long for is the sun to come out …

Parenting on Rainy Days: Creative Strategies to Support Development and Alleviate Cabin Fever

Team IIBP Anveshan, General Psychology, issue 48, Mental Health, Social Psychology, Volume 4

Rainy days can be a test of creativity and patience for parents trying to keep their children entertained and engaged indoors. While the weather may dampen outdoor plans, it also provides an excellent opportunity for families to explore new activities that promote learning and development. Here are some creative strategies to help alleviate cabin fever and support your child’s growth. …

Gamification of Mental Health: Using Games to Promote Positive Behaviors

Team IIBP Anveshan, issue 45, Mental Health, Volume 4

The World Health Organization (WHO) has predicted that depression will lead the global disease burden by 2030, With the existing services available in under-developed and developing countries to meet the enormous mental health needs, gamification for mental health seems promising. Gamification, the application of game design elements in on-game contexts is often said to be based on the principles of …

Digital Storytelling for Emotional Expression and Communication Skills Development

Team IIBP Anveshan, issue 45, Mental Health, Volume 4

In an age overwhelmed by digital platforms and virtual networks, the art of narrating has taken on new measurements, offering a powerful tool for enthusiastic expression and communication abilities improvement. Advanced narrating, a strategy that combines stories with digital media such as pictures, recordings, and sound recordings, has developed as a flexible implication of self-expression and interpersonal association. With the …

Mind Matters: Assessing the Influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Mental Health

Team IIBP Anveshan, issue 44, Mental Health, Organizational Culture, Organizational Development, Volume 4

When discussing corporate culture, Bridgewater Associates often emerges as a top choice among many individuals. Headquartered in a Connecticut town, Bridgewater is the largest hedge fund in the world and handles over 170$ billion in investments for governments, pension funds, universitates and charities. To gain insight into the organizational culture, here’s an email that Jim, a client adviser, sent to …

Social Support Networks at Work: Their Significance for Mental Health

Team IIBP Anveshan, Employee Engagement, issue 44, Mental Health, Volume 4

Humans are inherently social beings, and our need for social relationships is rooted in the quest for comfort, connection, and shared experiences. Social support encompasses the solace derived from a network of friends, family, colleagues, and others who stand by you during challenging times, acting as a shield against loneliness. Cobb (1976) defined social support as an individual’s perception that …

Emotional Education: Proactive Strategies for Socio-emotional Development

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, General Psychology, Issue 41, Mental Health, Mental Health Champions, Volume 4

Knowledge is power; remains true, but the power of emotional intelligence is equally significant. In the fast-paced world we inhabit, nurturing the socioemotional development of our youth has never been more vital. Emotional education is a foundational pillar in the modern educational landscape. It goes beyond traditional academic subjects, recognizing that the ability to understand and manage emotions is a …

Pop Psychology is Not Psychology: The rise and danger of unscientific
concepts in the name of Psychology

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, General Psychology, Issue 41, Mental Health, Mental Health Champions, News Corner, Volume 4

In today’s digital age, where a simple online search can yield millions of results on any topic, discerning fact from fiction has become more challenging than ever. Psychology, a rigorous academic discipline rooted in empirical research, isn’t immune to this flood of misinformation. With the rise of “pop psychology”—a blend of oversimplified psychological concepts, catchy headlines, and dubious self-help advice—it’s …