Parenting on Rainy Days: Creative Strategies to Support Development and Alleviate Cabin Fever

Team IIBP Anveshan, General Psychology, issue 48, Mental Health, Social Psychology, Volume 4

Rainy days can be a test of creativity and patience for parents trying to keep their children entertained and engaged indoors. While the weather may dampen outdoor plans, it also provides an excellent opportunity for families to explore new activities that promote learning and development. Here are some creative strategies to help alleviate cabin fever and support your child’s growth. …

Unlocking Change – The Role of Adaptive Learning in Overcoming Phobias

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, Issue 39, Mental Health, Social Psychology, Talent Management, Volume 4

Phobias, which are characterized by irrational and intense fears of particular objects or situations, can have a profound impact on an individual’s overall well-being. Although the roots of phobias can be intricate, the introduction of adaptive learning methods has introduced novel avenues for assisting individuals in conquering these fears. This article explores the revolutionary impact of adaptive learning on phobia …

Social Learning and Curiosity: How Peer Interactions Foster Adaptive Learning

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Issue 39, Mental Health, Social Psychology, Training and Development, Volume 4

A vital component of human growth and development is learning. While traditional educational institutions are important for acquiring knowledge, social connections, and peer involvement account for a sizable percentage of our learning. This type of learning, known as social learning, is closely related to curiosity, the need we all have to look around us, ask questions, and try to comprehend …