Accreditations of Tests and Programmes
Accreditation Of Training Programs
The Accredited Training Programs share the vision and goals of IIBP to improve delivery of psychology based services to the businesses. By getting your training program accredited by IIBP, not only do you get advice from the experts in the industry but also your training programs get more acceptability as they give the best value to your clients.
Having an accredited training program assures the public that IIBP accredited programs and instructions are of high quality and they can be trusted.
Click here or contact us to explore how accreditation can add value to your programs and to your clients.

Psychometric Test Review
The committee on ‘Occupational Testing and Assessments’ has laid down globally accepted and locally relevant criteria for review and accreditation of Psychometric Tests intenccredited test provides HR professionals and business users with the essential confidence about test quality needed to make sound decisions on the use of psychometric assessment tools in their organizations.
If you are a Test Developer, visit tended to be sold in Indian market (or already being sold). A reviewed and ahis link or contact us to have your tests reviewed and accredited.

Accredited Coaching And Consulting
Consulting methodology accreditation is the first measure for credentialling consultant certifications or identifying the unique process by which a consulting strategy is carried out and/or implemented.
Contact us to get your coaching / consulting method accredited.

Comments 1
Great to see that there is a proper accreditation process now in India. Submitting my test now.