Using Games To Hire: Moving Beyond Conventional Hiring Practices

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 28, Volume 3

With digitalization shaping the corporate and social contexts, formation of human capital has taken the main stage in the matter of adopting digital recruitment and management practices in organizations. One of the most recent developments we can see in organizations is the use of Game-Based Assessments, or GBAs, in hiring. The hiring process has included and been influenced by behavioral …

You Are Not As Smart As You Think You Are

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 28, Volume 3

You can simply find anything you want to learn over internet today. Obama’s captivating style of presenting, Bill gates way of simplicity in dressing, Elon musk’s way of designing tesla, Ratan Tata’s humility and charitable activities, all of these can be simply known through a simple google search. With clear instructional guidelines we have learned to cook recipes, learn languages …

Withdrawal Behavior: Employee Absenteeism

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 27, Volume 3

Absenteeism in Indian enterprises is not another peculiarity. It is a sign of a choice by employees not to present themselves in their work environment when it is arranged by the administration that they ought to be present. Absenteeism turns into an issue for hierarchical administration especially when employees miss from their workplace without giving adequate notification and by supporting …

Satisfaction: Potential at the Workplace

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 27, Volume 3

Confucius said, A pretty commonly heard phrase, yet holds so much meaning even over time In today’s world, work or being at the workplace has become a significant part of every individual’s life. Individuals spend a majority of the time at work or engaging themselves with work. Income is not the only factor that employees look out for as other …

Cyberloafing: Help or Harm?

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 27, Volume 3

You’re working on something important, but you can’t stop yourself from opening a new browser to read the news, skim through social media or send your co-worker or friend a funny text as a quick break. This act is called cyberloafing, a.k.a cyberslacking. Cyberloafing is the intentional use of Internet technology for personal purposes by employees during work hours. This …

The Turnover Tsunami: A different view to retain employees

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 27, Volume 3

An expected turn post the pandemic 4 million people quit their jobs in April 2021, leading to a phase of the Great Resignation (Morgan, 2021).Major companies in the US had expected the Turnover Tsunami to come in (Maurer, 2021). The environmental constraints brought in by the pandemic had restricted employees to move around in the market for almost 2 years. …

Is Technological Advancement Contributing to Organizational Mindfulness?

Team IIBP Issue 27, Volume 3

A growing number of researchers and managers are focusing on how to deal with employee anxiety and distraction while also improving their level of well-being and work engagement. Scholars and organizational managers are increasingly focusing on mindfulness as a solution to these problems. Mindfulness entails paying attention to the present moment with awareness and nonjudgmental processing (Kabat-Zinn, 2005). Mindfulness can …

Employee Well-Being In Corporates: The Know-How Of Prioritizing Employees

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 26, Volume 3

Well-being in the workplace is no new concept. It has been observed as a pathway to keep employees engaged in the company and retain talent for longer periods of time. But how do organizations decide what is the most important for their employees and whom to prioritize while offering well-being benefits? How do organizations ensure work productivity is increased while …

Take Care Of Those Who Take Care Of Your Business

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 26, Volume 3

We spend most of our time in our workplace during the day. Employees chit chat, take breaks, work extremely hard and give their all to meet targets and achieve organizational success. But what happens when the workplace gets toxic? What happens when the workplace no longer cares about your wellbeing? What happens when you’re pushed to achieve while ignoring your …