Counter-dependence and its manifestations

Vijai Pandey Business Psychology, Coaching, Team Effectiveness

This article explores the concept of counter-dependence as it manifests in T-Group experiences and other group settings. Often misunderstood in pop psychology, counter-dependence is a dysfunctional behavior where individuals reject help and emotional closeness, even when they need it. Through real-life examples from T-Group sessions, we delve into the indicators of counter-dependence, such as resistance to feedback, avoidance of vulnerability, and overcompensation in self-reliance. Learn how this behavior impacts group dynamics and discover healthier alternatives for fostering trust and openness.

Strategic Mentorship: Developing Future Leaders in a Competitive Business Environment

Team IIBP Anveshan, Coaching, Development Centers, Issue 51, Leaderhsip Development

Strategic mentoring is an innovative approach to leadership development that ignites the potential for extraordinary leadership by blending business acumen with the foundational principles of mentorship. This unique method merges industry-specific insights with leadership growth, aligning mentorship with organizational strategies to develop leaders who are ready for the future. Unlike traditional mentoring, which focuses on personal development and skill-building, strategic …

Leadership by Example: How mentors Cultivate Organizational Culture

Team IIBP Anveshan, Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, Employee Health, Issue 51, Organizational Culture, Uncategorized

In the dynamic realm of business, where strategies and markets shift like sand, one constant remains: the power of leadership by example. The essence of this approach lies in mentors embodying the values, behaviors, and ethics they wish to see in their teams. By demonstrating core values, mentors don’t just set standards—they become the living embodiment of the organizational culture …

Bridging Academia and Industry: Mentors in the Evolution of I/O Psychology

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Coaching, Issue 51

“Every stage of your career requires different skills and insights. The right mentor at each phase will help you grow, adapt, and succeed in ways you never thought possible.” – Marissa Mayer“The science of I-O psychology helps us understand that the key to business success lies in understanding people, not just processes.” – Edwin A. Fleishman Is Industrial-Organizational (I/O) Psychology …

Empowering Change: Mentorship’s Role in Organizational Training and Development

Team IIBP Anveshan, Coaching, Development Centers, Employee Selection, Issue 51, Training and Development

Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right direction. – John C. Crosby Mentorship has long been an invaluable element of personal and professional growth, with its roots tracing back to ancient narratives like Homer’s Odyssey. Today, it has evolved into a crucial component of organizational training and development, extending far beyond …

Global Leadership: Shaping cross-cultural leadership in multinational companies

Team IIBP Anveshan, Coaching, Issue 51, Leaderhsip Development, Talent Management

Multinational corporations (MNCs) increasingly operate across diverse cultural landscapes in today’s interconnected world. Navigating these cultural complexities requires a nuanced understanding and a unique set of leadership skills. Cross-cultural leadership, therefore, has emerged as a critical competency for organizations seeking global success. At the heart of effective cross-cultural leadership lies the ability to appreciate and leverage cultural differences. This involves …

Mentorship and Coaching in the Workplace: Psychological Principles for Career Development

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Coaching, issue 43, Organizational Development, Training and Development, Volume 4

In the bustling corridors of a renowned corporation, a young, ambitious professional found himself at a career crossroads. Despite his hard work and dedication, his path to advancement seemed obscured, like a sailor lost in a foggy sea. Enter a seasoned executive with a wealth of experience and a keen eye for potential. Recognizing the young professional’s dilemma, she offered …

Aspiration-Driven Development: Personal Growth Plans in the Workplace

Team IIBP Business Psychology, Coaching, Development Centers, Emotional Intelligence, Employee wellbeing, General Psychology, Issue 42, Leaderhsip Development, Mental Health, Mental Health Champions, Volume 4

Companies have long crafted personalized roles and career paths for their stars; Yet it is possible – indeed necessary – to extend this personalized approach to all employees. – Reid Hoffman, Co- Founder of LinkedIn. The demand for supportive work environments isn’t going anywhere. As people continue to prioritize themselves in the workplace, employers will have to rethink how they …

Generosity in Conflict Resolution: A New Approach to Organizational Challenges

Team IIBP Business Psychology, Coaching, Corporate Social Responsibility, Issue 42, Volume 4

Within the intricate framework of organizational dynamics, conflicts are not only unavoidable but also essential for the advancement and development of any organization. Be it due to different perspectives, competing interests, or limited resources, conflicts naturally arise within the intricate tapestry that binds individuals into a cohesive working unit and this unavoidable nature of conflicts makes it necessary for us …

Talent Development: Strategies for Career Advancement And Adaptation

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Coaching, Development Centers, Employee Engagement, Issue 39, Leaderhsip Development, Occupational Health, Training and Development, Volume 4

The idea of a linear career path has been replaced by a dynamic journey of continual learning and adaptation in today’s quickly changing professional scene. Talent development has become a crucial component of job growth, helping people to thrive in a constantly changing environment and stay relevant. This essay examines efficient talent development tactics that promote professional advancement and the …