The Role of Leadership in Fostering a Healthy Work Environment

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 44, Leaderhsip Development, Volume 4

Introduction:In the dynamic world of business, the role of a leader in shaping the work environment is pivotal. A healthy work environment not only promotes employee well-being but also significantly impactsproductivity and overall organizational success. However, in the pursuit of profit maximization, some leaders may inadvertently push their teams to overwork, neglecting the crucial aspect of recognizing and rewarding their …

Unethical Leadership and Measures to Overcome It

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Employee wellbeing, Issue 31, Leaderhsip Development, Organizational Culture, Volume 4

‘Dieselgate’: The famous emissions scandal case of Volkswagen During 2010, the U.S. Environmental Pollution Agency (EPA) issued new guidelines for auto manufacturers to reduce emissions. Many companies complained about the increased costs but eventually met the new standards of EPA . In April 2016, the EPA discovered Volkswagen (VW) cheated the testing system and failed to meet the new standards. …

Leaders Should Walk the Talk on Work-Life Balance

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 17, Volume 2

It’s something no leader wants to admit, but leadership responsibility sometimes hits like a ton of bricks. Work-life balance can be difficult for those in a leadership position because of the hard work done over the years to achieve that heightened position of visibility and influence. Taking a step back to enjoy ‘me time’ can lead to a feeling of …

Leading Towards Better Organizational Climate and Culture

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 17, Volume 2

Often in scholarly literature has addressed organizational culture and climate separately, however, it is important for leaders to cohesively bring organizational culture and climate as the Yin & Yang of organizations. Leadership has the largest and most direct effect on company culture & climate. Most of us are familiar with organizational culture, a topic that has been ransacked and dissected …

Building High-Trust Relationships with Your Team

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 17, Volume 2

For over a year and a half now, the world has been shrouded in uncertainty. No one anticipated disruption of the scale that Covid-19 brought about and as a result, no one knew how to handle it. Leaders across the world were left grappling with how to navigate an unprecedented present and a future that offered no clear trajectory or …