Overcome social stigma in mental health advocacy

Team IIBP Anveshan, Employee Health, Employee wellbeing, General Psychology, Issue 46, Mental Health, Volume 4

Breaking the Chains: Overcoming Social Stigma in Mental Health Advocacy In the realm of business and mental health, there’s a silent but powerful force that often remains unaddressed: social stigma. It’s the elephant in the room, casting shadows over conversations, hindering progress, and impeding individuals from seeking the help they need. However, overcoming this stigma is not a humongous challenge. …

Cultivating a Culture of Empathy

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, Employee wellbeing, General Psychology, Issue 46, Volume 4

“Discover the untapped power within your company: its people.” From a Darwinian perspective, survival of the fittest in the workplace looks like how rapidly and efficiently employees adapt to its changing environment. This adaptation ensures the functioning of the company in an ever-changing, complex business environment. One of the elements crucial to the adaption are healthy interpersonal relationships between the …

Addressing Work-Life Balance Challenges in Spring Time

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, Employee Engagement, Employee Health, Employee wellbeing, Issue 46, Volume 4

Spring appears, colouring the world with bright shades, seducing us with warmer weather and the promise of new initiatives. However, an important aspect is often overlooked between the excitement associated with removing winter layers and planning outdoor adventures: the balance between work and life. Spring renewal’s unique energy and feeling create problems that can ruin the delicate balance between professional …

Work-Life Balance in the Digital Age: A Focus on Organizational Culture

Team IIBP Anveshan, Employee wellbeing, Issue 44, Organizational Culture, Volume 4

“Work-Life Balance” has been a trending word for the last few years, as it is a need of the hour. Humans have invented a lot of digital products to make our lives easy & quick, everything is automated in one click, still, we struggle to balance our personal & professional life & this digital era has become one of the …

Resilience Training in Organizations: Learning to Thrive in Challenging Environments.

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Employee wellbeing, Issue 43, Organizational Development, Training and Development, Volume 4

When Covid-19 pandemic hit us hard, posing significant health, economic, and social challenges, many companies across globe recommended their employees to take up the HBR online course on “Ernest Shackleton and his historic Endurance expedition”. Well, who is this Ernest Shackleton and how can his expedition help us with the unprecedented issues we faced with COVID-19? To understand this, let …

From Overworked to Energized: A Fresh Approach to Work

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Employee Engagement, Employee wellbeing, General Psychology, Issue 40, Leaderhsip Development, Volume 4

Coming across the topic of this month’s issue, my mind really kept going back to how routines have been helpful in my life. May it be a time when I studied hard for my mid-sems or finals, or may it be a time when I had to wake up, go to school or college, and now work. Routines really do …

Curiosity-Driven Leadership: Igniting Innovation and Adaptation in Organizations

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Employee Engagement, Employee wellbeing, General Psychology, Issue 39, Leaderhsip Development, Organizational Development, Volume 4

"Organizations that prioritize curiosity are better positioned to adapt to change and thrive in the midst of disruption" (Smith & Brown, 2022). In the constantly evolving business landscape, a curiosity-driven leadership strategy has emerged,paving the way for constant innovation and adaptability. The critical role that it plays in steering organizations toward innovative solutions, allows firms to enable them to not ...

Emotional Factors in Decision Making, The Role of Affect in Clinical Context

Team IIBP Anveshan, Development Centers, Emotional Intelligence, Employee wellbeing, Issue 38, Mental Health, Volume 4

Ms. Shreya. P Decision making, the process of making choices, which probably determines a great range of lifestyles. Well, when a man makes a decision he thinks in more than one dimension, situation, time, place, social status, purpose and much more! What about emotional context? Like, what about it? How does the mood of a person, an emotional reflection of …

Workplace Bullying and Personality Traits

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Employee Engagement, Employee Health, Employee wellbeing, General Psychology, Issue 37, Occupational Health, Organizational Culture, Organizational Development, Talent Management, Team Effectiveness, Training and Development, Volume 4

Scenario 1:Harish mails the report to his boss before leaving the office and when he is about to make a move his boss calls him inside his cabin and says “You call this a report? How can you not present the data in excel even after these many years of experience? Scenario 2:Harish mails the report to his boss before …

The Influence of Anxiety Disorders on Work Performance

Team IIBP Anveshan, Employee Health, Employee wellbeing, Issue 37, Mental Health, Occupational Health, Volume 4

“Mental illness is a disease and like any other medical condition individuals need support, interventions and continued care to address their symptoms”– Angeleena Francis. According to a global prediction provided by Forbes Health in an article titled “Mental Health Statistics,” there are expected to be 374 million cases of anxiety disorders worldwide in 2023, a 25% increase from the previous …