Leadership has always been a topical subject in both academic research and the business world. The success of an organization is often attributed to its leader. Going by the researches in social psychology, people use two primary strategies to navigate up in the hierarchy. The first strategy is ‘dominance’ where people try to attain social rank by coercion, intimidation, fear, …
How to bring the Economy back.
IIBP Associate researcher Dr, Farah Naqvi was invited by a news channel to a panel discussion on how to bring economy back. She is an academician, writer, corporate trainer, and HRD consultant. Currently, she is associated with the Gulf center for university education, Kuwait. In her academic and training career, she has worked with premier institutes like the Indian Institute …
Jyoti Gupta
Pandemic (COVID-19) and Rural Education System
The onset of this deadly pandemic has started one problem that has been faced by the future of our country. It is the problem of the distribution of knowledge. the mode of education has transformed into online education or digital education who wish to gain knowledge opting for online education. Online education is called remote learning or remote access learning …
Developing Creativity is Helpful in the Pandemic
It is well-known that health emergencies are associated with unfavourable psychosocial consequences, and the COVID-19 outbreak will inevitably cause distress and leave many people vulnerable to mental health problems. Fear, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress were common psychological symptoms reported globally. Underlying reasons for these symptoms may be include disruptions in daily routine due to restrictive measures, social isolation, feeling …
Psychological Impact of Being Indoor: Amongst Children (5-14 yrs)
Pandemic !! Stay Indoors !! Maintain Social Distancing !! Disruption In Daily Routine !! Life came to a full stop. Suddenly no schools, no offices, no going out, no meeting friends and family- overnight everything stopped. Now stay indoors, maintain social distancing, wear a mask, online schooling, work from home. Since the lockdown, the world has come to a standstill, …
What Makes You Feel Ugly?
I am a Psychologist; I am a Therapist but more than anything I am a woman who’s fed up with linear beauty standards. I grew up in India, where the ideal image for a good-looking girl is light skinned with long hair. Well, I am brown-skinned. I was always curvier and I still do have dark circles. For the last …
Work from Home Nah! Office at Home
If you have been hit by the reality that working from home is not as fascinating as you thought of it, then you are not alone. Almost everyone is facing the same wave of emotions, mental and physical sluggishness is common. Thus, normalizing this phenomenon is the only way through. So, let’s just fetch out the positive perspective of work …
Pandemic (COVID-19) Effect on Emotional Well-Being of Children
This Pandemic situation, last few months have been really tough for everyone and so it is for parents as well as for kids too. It’s a time for parents to learn how to deal with their kids 24/7 and for kids how to make the most use of their time and energy. In the earlier phase of covid-19 ( lockdown1) …
Psoriasis and Psychodermatology: The Mind-Skin Connection
Studies estimate that in one out of three dermatological patients report of psychological factors that underlie and exacerbate their dermatologic symptoms; thus efficacious care and management must consider psychosocial characteristics of the individual and other psychological factors in disease onset, prognosis, severity, and treatment. These factors are of particular crucial significance in individuals with chronic conditions like eczema, psoriasis, urticarial, …