Do you remember what you want to forget?

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 11, Volume 2

Life is made up of moments and memories. Some moments and memories are so special that all it takes is a small sensory cue to take one to a different timeline of one’s life. This is often captured by the expression ‘madeleine de Proust one of the key passages in Marcel Proust book ‘In search of lost time when a …

What Are The Reasons Behind The Rising Mental Health Issue Among The Youth

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 8, Volume 2

On an average 10-20% adolescents throughout the world suffer from mental health problems. More than half of these problems begin before the age of 15, yet such issues are left under-diagnosed and under-treated (Kessler et al, 2007; WHO, 2020). According to the National Mental Health Survey of India, among the youth mental health conditions account for 7.3% out of the …