Person job fit is a requirement is what most of the organizations look for when requiting but if we are looking at long term goals person-organization fit becomes an important aspect in the matrix The most crucial question in P-O fit is how employees and organisations choose each other, why they continue to work together, and how compatibility affects that …
Implications for Nudge Theory for Organizations
In today’s rapidly changing world, change is the only constant. And changes on the outside demand for change on the inside, from within – organizations and individuals. This implies that organizations aiming to thrive in the VUCA world are persistently looking for ways to bring about positive, desirable changes. There is definitely no dearth of tools, techniques and interventions to ...
The importance of work-hobby balance
A recent study by researchers from Sheffield University & ESSEC Business School, attempted to understand the notion of qwork-hobby balance by ficusing on the theory of Conservation of Resources (CoR). The study investigates whether time spent on leisure activities affects career sustainability and whether it depeletes or generates resources. Two major factors affect the impact of leisure activities; 1) the ...