To be human is to be part of a group in one way or another. And in most cases, belonging to a group also means having to take some collective decisions. Have you ever observed people keeping their thoughts or opinions to themselves because they differ from that of the group? Have you ever refrained from challenging a certain decision …
The Curse of Knowledge
It happened four years ago. But I still remember it as if it is happening right now Maybe I was so embarrassed that my brain captured a live video and saved it safely. I was working with a start-up company as an HR and I was sent to Delhi along with my IT team of seven people to pitch our …
The Psychology of Self-Handicapping: Why Intelligent People Sometimes Sabotage Their Own Success
The concept of Self Handicapping was introduced by Edward Jones and Steven Berglas in 1978 to answer the question of why people tend to sabotage success or outcomes they seem to value the most. It refers to putting a barrier to one’s own success where in an event of failure is attributed to a lack of ability being diminished because …
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder and the Fear of Being a Fool
Having an eye for detail puts the task in focus, but when the eye refuses to blink, the entire picture is blurred. This is a glimpse into how individuals with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) struggle to finish tasks at hand. OCPD falls under Cluster C of personality disorders and includes symptoms that often tend to interfere with normal functioning, …
Emotions at Work: The IQ of Emotions
We need people in our workplace who can connect with others, who display empathy and understanding, (and) who understand emotions. More than ever, emotional intelligence is not just a ‘nice to have but a core capability for the future.’’ -Pip Russell, Strategy, innovation, and commercial operations vice-president, Schneider Electric (Capgemini, 2022) Intelligence is what helps us learn, process, adapt, and …
An Exploration of The Fine Line of Workplace Romance
The US’s Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), in its February 2022 data, has suggested an increase in workplace romance due to the hunkering of employees down a home. Surprisingly, what is considered a taboo has been openly accepted in the workplace. You would be surprised to know that 75% of those who participated in the SHRM study said they …
Unethical Leadership and Measures to Overcome It
‘Dieselgate’: The famous emissions scandal case of Volkswagen During 2010, the U.S. Environmental Pollution Agency (EPA) issued new guidelines for auto manufacturers to reduce emissions. Many companies complained about the increased costs but eventually met the new standards of EPA . In April 2016, the EPA discovered Volkswagen (VW) cheated the testing system and failed to meet the new standards. …
Counterproductive Work Behaviour: An Issue to Focus
There is no doubt that we are all working as a means of achieving something called a reward or appreciation for what we are doing. Depending on the situation, this reward can take the form of a good salary, a simple appreciation, or a reinforcement of behaviour. In simple words, productive behaviour which is advantageous to the organization is appreciated. …
Toxic Workplace Culture Can Be Injurious To Health
Does your boss randomly shout at you when something is not done? Do you feel your colleagues aren’t the people you can rely upon? Do you return from your HR office with “We will get back to you” but they never do? Does your office celebrate each festival but that doesn’t make you happy or love your workplace? I’m sorry …
The Gig economy & Group dynamics
The Gig Economy has been placed on number #4 on the Society of Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s (SIOP) Top 10 Workplace Trends. Internet, the sophistication of digital tools, shift in the nature of career aspirations, values, etc. of the Millennials & Gen Z, people not being bound by geographic locations are some factors leading to this boom of the gig …