CEO Akhil Gupta of, one of the biggest job application portals said, “Return to office will affect employee retention negatively, but not known to what extent”. Better work-life balance is an issue that is becoming more and more relevant, especially in light of the fact that burnout is now acknowledged as an “occupational phenomena” that directly result from our …
An Exploration of The Fine Line of Workplace Romance
The US’s Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), in its February 2022 data, has suggested an increase in workplace romance due to the hunkering of employees down a home. Surprisingly, what is considered a taboo has been openly accepted in the workplace. You would be surprised to know that 75% of those who participated in the SHRM study said they …
Workplace Romance – A Phenomenon in Question
In the current era where online dating and swiping right are the status quo of romance, can we leave behind the acts of flirting at the workplace be it in person or virtually over a zoom meeting? Although the consensual office romance has been stigmatized, it’s been existing in the corporate world for decades. Going by theory, Horan and Chory …
Employee Bonding and Positive Work Environments
Over the years, psychologists have highlighted the urge to feel connected to others as a basic human need. It has been established that interpersonal interactions have a substantial impact on our mental health, behaviour, physical health, and mortality risk. Likewise, the calibre of the social ties within an organisation greatly influences whether or not it and its employees succeed. It …
Leading in Love: A Guide to Managing Workplace Romance
To love or not to love? Is a question that arises in the minds of employees when they find someone ‘special’, especially when it’s someone in their office. ‘Will I be forced to resign, if my relationship gets serious’ ‘What will my boss think?’ ‘Will my colleagues belittle me?’ Are thoughts that would strike many employees in relationships. Irrespective of …
Fostering Healthy Romantic Relationships in the Office
As individuals start their professional careers, the workplace or office becomes an area where they begin to spend a lot of their time. Most individuals spend an average of about 8 to 9 hours of their day at their respective workplaces. During this period, their co-workers are the people they end up spending most of their time with. Although professional …
Employee Moonlighting
INTRODUCTION: Moonlighting is nothing but doing one or more jobs besides the regular job. As work from home (WFH) concept got increased, escalated and extended during the pandemic, employees took it (moonlighting) as an extra source of earning and also for pursuing their passionate jobs. Some say it’s simply risking one’s career by deciding on making more money by working …
Unethical Leadership and Measures to Overcome It
‘Dieselgate’: The famous emissions scandal case of Volkswagen During 2010, the U.S. Environmental Pollution Agency (EPA) issued new guidelines for auto manufacturers to reduce emissions. Many companies complained about the increased costs but eventually met the new standards of EPA . In April 2016, the EPA discovered Volkswagen (VW) cheated the testing system and failed to meet the new standards. …
Counterproductive Work Behaviour: An Issue to Focus
There is no doubt that we are all working as a means of achieving something called a reward or appreciation for what we are doing. Depending on the situation, this reward can take the form of a good salary, a simple appreciation, or a reinforcement of behaviour. In simple words, productive behaviour which is advantageous to the organization is appreciated. …
Toxic Workplace Culture Can Be Injurious To Health
Does your boss randomly shout at you when something is not done? Do you feel your colleagues aren’t the people you can rely upon? Do you return from your HR office with “We will get back to you” but they never do? Does your office celebrate each festival but that doesn’t make you happy or love your workplace? I’m sorry …