Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 13, Volume 2

“Think Positive, Be Positive, Speak Positive”… Yes we know … and yet, it’s an uphill task, especially when we are in the eye of the storm and all we see and feel is darkness. It’s just an irritating advice. Yet, deeper in our hearts we know that it’s always good-over-evil and that ‘two negatives cannot make a positive’. So what’s …


Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 13, Volume 2

Mind is the product of our brain through which we think and conceive ideas, thoughts, feelings, and intelligence. Many people are unable to keep their mind in a systematic paradigm and mind goes astray because they feel that their mind is chattering which always bothers them. Their thoughts shift back to past and future imaginations. But the question is why …


Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 13, Volume 2

The conversation around the experience of women in the workplace is not new. From being confined to the household walls to the rise of female-led companies, we have come a long way (and still have a long way to go ahead!). Despite the much-needed increase in representation, women are still a minority in most workplaces and face many challenges on …

Business Psychology: Ft. FAQ’s (Part 1)

Team IIBP Business Psychology

“Study of Psychology is more important in business than the study of business itself” Business psychology is one of the most lucrative and exciting fields in psychology as a career option. If you type in any search engine, which psychology career makes the most money or the highest paying psychology career, ‘Business Psychologist /Industrial organizational Psychologistwill surely come on top. …

Keeping Mental Health in check during the PANDEMIC

Dishaa Sinha Mental Health

The ongoing pandemic has changed everybody’s life to a great extent. We are facing new challenges everyday, even for minor day to day tasks. People’s education, career, almost everything is in hold and they don’t know what the future holds for them. This is a time of uncertainty. Uncertainty can lead to a lot of problems as we tend to …

Unpaid Internships in India: Does the Learning Outcome and Experience Equate to a Stipend?

Team IIBP General Psychology

Abstract Internships in India are now gaining more momentum than ever. Often prioritizing them over academics and grades, students today are in competition to obtain internships and make their resumes and profiles more attractive. Due to this, the number of internships on offer is rising, many of them being of an unpaid nature where interns receive no stipend for the …


Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 11, Volume 2

Nothing remains untouched in pandemic times including the discipline of Psychology. If we look back in time, we find that psychologists in India have played many key roles since the last century. Contributions have been made in different life spheres ranging from sports to defence. Industrial and service organizations have been the hot seat of actions. In these organizations, psychologists …


iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 11, Volume 2

Mark Twain once said, “The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.” He couldn’t be more right. If you finally accept yourself and your vulnerabilities, your life will be much more liberating. Self-acceptance means accepting your whole self without any kind of judgment. This includes your weaknesses and your quirky, difficult parts, the ones that you probably try …


Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 11, Volume 2

Life is made up of moments and memories. Some moments and memories are so special that all it takes is a small sensory cue to take one to a different timeline of one’s life. This is often captured by the expression ‘madeleine de Proust one of the key passages in Marcel Proust book ‘In search of lost time when a …

Navigating the Uncertain Times.

Team IIBP Mental Health

Let me tell the story of the farmer and his donkey. It is an old story which I am sure is known to most.A farmer had an old donkey who fell into a well. Since the farmer thought that the donkey had had outlived its usefulness, he to leave it there and cover the well with sand so that it …