In the bustling corridors of a renowned corporation, a young, ambitious professional found himself at a career crossroads. Despite his hard work and dedication, his path to advancement seemed obscured, like a sailor lost in a foggy sea. Enter a seasoned executive with a wealth of experience and a keen eye for potential. Recognizing the young professional’s dilemma, she offered …
Resilience Training in Organizations: Learning to Thrive in Challenging Environments.
When Covid-19 pandemic hit us hard, posing significant health, economic, and social challenges, many companies across globe recommended their employees to take up the HBR online course on “Ernest Shackleton and his historic Endurance expedition”. Well, who is this Ernest Shackleton and how can his expedition help us with the unprecedented issues we faced with COVID-19? To understand this, let …
The Role of Social Influence in Organizational Change: Strategies for Effective Adaptation and Learning
The process of social influence in organizations involves the demonstration of particular behavioral tactics and strategies by individuals to influence behavioral outcomes controlled by others in ways that maximize positive outcomes for the influencer and minimize negative outcomes. Social influence processes have a significant impact on organizational change. From an organizational development perspective, organizational change is “a set of Behavioral …
Curiosity-Driven Leadership: Igniting Innovation and Adaptation in Organizations
Auto-Tuning of Human Output: The Influences that Tune our Choices
Mr. Kaushik Chakrabarty In the vast landscape of decision-making, the intricacies of human behavior and actions are often auto tuned by the subtle yet profound forces of social influence. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating realm of how our choices are molded by the environment and the people around us, leading to a conscious shift in our …
Implicit Bias: Unconscious Influences on Social Decision Making
Ms. Aishwarya Santosh In today’s society, people strive to be fair, just, and unbiased. However, even with the best intentions, biases can still influence our decisions and actions. Implicit bias, also known as unconscious bias, refers to the attitudes and stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner. These biases can have a profound impact on …
Workplace Bullying and Personality Traits
Scenario 1:Harish mails the report to his boss before leaving the office and when he is about to make a move his boss calls him inside his cabin and says “You call this a report? How can you not present the data in excel even after these many years of experience? Scenario 2:Harish mails the report to his boss before …
Psychology of Workplace Communication: Understanding Barriers and How to Overcome them
An organizational setting is one of the primary locations where individuals from diverse backgrounds come together, uniting their efforts to function as a unit. As people collaborate, effective workplace communication becomes inevitable. However, due to variations in background, culture, education, and other factors, being on the same page while engaging in conversations can be challenging. While communication primarily involves information …
The Puzzle of personality disorders: Understanding the Blueprint of dysfunction
The ancient Greeks were among the first to elicit that certain personality traits are problematic. For instance, they described “melancholia” and “hysteria,” which can be seen as early descriptions of what we now know as personality disorders. Sigmund Freud and his psychoanalytic theory in the late 19th and early 20th centuries greatly influenced the understanding of personality disorders. Freud identified …
The Power of Positive Feedback: How to Give and Receive Feedback For Better Performance Management
“I think it’s very important to have a feedback loop, where you’re constantly thinking about what you’ve done and how you could be doing it better. I think that’s the single best piece of advice — constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.” – Elon Musk, CEO SpaceX, Tesla (2015) A positive feedback loop …