Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Social Justice

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 20, Volume 3

Corporate social responsibility is a selfregulatory check for businesses to be socially accountable to their local and global community, customers, and stakeholders. It is based on the concept that businesses have a responsibility to do good. There are four main types of CSR activities: Environmental Responsibility: Research has found that just 100 companies are responsible for more than 70% of …

Wellbeing in workplaces for 2022

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 20, Volume 3

This article addresses the need for wellbeing initiatives in the workplace as a silver bullet for thriving organizations. It covers highlights from 2021 that lay the ground for setting processes in organizations supporting positive mental health as an outcome. Lastly, I offer suggestions on creating a baseline to address these issues. 2022 is still a year of recovery from the …

Collective sensemaking in the period of uncertainty and global crisis the Covid-19

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 20, Volume 3

Uncertainty is at the forefront of many crises, disasters, and emergencies, and the COVID-19 pandemic with the arrival of third-wave is no exception. We, as psychologists are concerned with the coming of organizational pressures on the team workers and changing patterns of behavior of staff members owing to new challenges both in structure and administrative field. We can begin to …

Team Effectiveness Across Virtual Environments

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Issue 19, Mental Health, Volume 3

Almost two years ago we were plunged into the biggest crisis most of us had ever seen. Organizations that had dismissed remote working as a possibility, IT systems that weren’t ready for virtual working suddenly were forced into it. All industries, all functions, and all teams were forced into virtual working.   While some organizations naturally embraced it, the majority have ...

Lego: Inspiration For Change Management

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Issue 19, Mental Health, Volume 3

Heraclitus said that “The only constant is change.” This oxymoron clearly defines what the human race has known throughout its existence. Kingdoms, races, species have come and gone, Earth has come to the brink of destruction and been revived. Nothing has remained as it was created since the dawn of time. Taking the analogy of the world and comparing it ...

Are We Ready For A 4 Day Work Week?

Team IIBP Business Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Mental Health

By Sunith Kunder As the new year beckons, most professionals were excited by one particular labor code. The 4-day  week culture was seeming to finally arrive on our shores, with everyone looking forward to the very much needed and extended weekend.  But this excitement would be short-lived. The ministry has clarified that even if the new labor law comes into ...

Building Culture of Agility and Adaptability in Organizations

Team IIBP Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Mental Health

By Sirisha Susarla Introduction Agility and adaptability also known as dexterity and versatility are two significant elements for an organization to be steady and flourish in any difficult climate. Being coordinated in powerful conditions, and having the option to adjust to changes is significant for organizations to keep up with maintainability. These elements and their adequacy are firmly connected with ...

Metaverse and the business world

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Issue 19, Mental Health, Volume 3

What is the metaverse? The metaverse- a word making frequent rounds in the news these days- came into existence even before Mark Zuckerberg and Satya Nadella popularized it. Decades of human intelligence and innovation have contributed to laying the foundation for a parallel virtual world. Although the word’s definition is still a work in progress, it essentially refers to a ...

How Organisation Culture Shapes Employee Motivation

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Issue 19, Mental Health, Volume 3

Organizational culture can be a potent source of motivation for your team or an equally powerful hindrance to it. Some view organizational culture as an ethereal force of nature that is troublesome, costly, or impractical to control, so they don’t try. Others oversimplify it, dusting their hands off after a quick ‘about us’ page update. The truth is, it’s both ...