What does it mean to have a psychologically healthier workplace? Don’t we all want to go to work with a feeling of positivity and excitement? Who doesn’t dream of waking up every day, excited to go to work? A healthy workplace is the one where workers and managers actively contribute to the work environment by promoting and protecting the mental …
Has it ever happened to you that you are relaxed, composed and in control working by yourself, but become agitated and anxious when someone is monitoring your work? The individual (most likely your manager) may not be rude or dictatorial, and no evident circumstance was created to make you feel uneasy or nervous. Simply the idea of someone overseeing your …
Identifying and Eliminating Toxic Work Culture
Seema is a single mother of two and works at a multi-corporate company. Each day she would return home feeling exhausted, both physically and mentally. She finds no respite at home, as she would continue getting calls from her co-workers and boss. She is unable to set boundaries between work and home. Due to this, she could not spend much …
Self-Help Techniques to Cope with Stress and Anxiety
Considering the Pandemic and the overall hectic lifestyle of the 21st Century, Stress has become a rather frequent guest for almost everyone. Stressors or factors that contribute to stress range from a mild convenience in our day-to-day life to Traumatic experiences. One factor that very often overlaps with stress is anxiety. The uneasiness and the unpleasant feelings of nervousness worry …
Why Is It Important To Consider The Mental Wellbeing Of The Employees In Companies, Now More Than Ever?
Since numbers excite us and give us a measurable estimate, let us talk about the current most pressing issue in numbers! Yes, let us talk about mental health in numbers! Do you know the alarming numbers revolving around mental health in India? According to a 2019 study conducted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in India, 1. Around 7.5% of …
Loneliness Among Young Adults During The COVID-19 Pandemic And Increase In Mental Health Problems
Mental Illness Is Our Epidemic within the Corona-virus Pandemic” (Miller, 2020). The novel corona virus disease is not restricted to physical illness. In a very short period of time, it has triggered economic, social and mental crisis (Usmanetal., 2020). Is covid 19 the stepping stone for an upcoming mental health crisis? It is a natural bodily response of an individual …
Video Games As A Coping Mechanism
Every one of us must have been allured by the tempting graphics and the instant gratification provided by the video games. They were designed for the sole purpose of entertainment which appealed to the young population. With the advancement in technology, the focus shifted from entertainment to other reasons why people started playing video games. Imagine that you have the …
Developing Creativity is Helpful in the Pandemic
It is well-known that health emergencies are associated with unfavourable psychosocial consequences, and the COVID-19 outbreak will inevitably cause distress and leave many people vulnerable to mental health problems. Fear, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress were common psychological symptoms reported globally. Underlying reasons for these symptoms may be include disruptions in daily routine due to restrictive measures, social isolation, feeling …
Pandemic (COVID-19) Effect on Emotional Well-Being of Children
This Pandemic situation, last few months have been really tough for everyone and so it is for parents as well as for kids too. It’s a time for parents to learn how to deal with their kids 24/7 and for kids how to make the most use of their time and energy. In the earlier phase of covid-19 ( lockdown1) …