Every one of us must have been allured by the tempting graphics and the instant gratification provided by the video games. They were designed for the sole purpose of entertainment which appealed to the young population. With the advancement in technology, the focus shifted from entertainment to other reasons why people started playing video games. Imagine that you have the …
What Makes You Feel Ugly?
I am a Psychologist; I am a Therapist but more than anything I am a woman who’s fed up with linear beauty standards. I grew up in India, where the ideal image for a good-looking girl is light skinned with long hair. Well, I am brown-skinned. I was always curvier and I still do have dark circles. For the last …
Ties of Self-Esteem with Work Acknowledgement and Praise
Self-esteem is defined as an individual’s subjective assessment of their abilities, which would factor into their bigger value of self-worth. Factors that could sway or influence one’s self-esteem are – perceptions, others’ reactions, experiences at home, school, work & community, age, achievements, role/status in society, ago, and social relationships, just to name a few. It was seen that the general …