Black Lives Matter protests that began last month have sparked up similar social movements across the world, such as Palestinian Lives Matter, Russian Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, & Papuan Lives Matter,where communities are protesting against systemic oppression and marginalization. Research shows that different communities are indefinitely referred to as animals & savages in various ways; Blacks as apes & …
Ties of Self-Esteem with Work Acknowledgement and Praise
Self-esteem is defined as an individual’s subjective assessment of their abilities, which would factor into their bigger value of self-worth. Factors that could sway or influence one’s self-esteem are – perceptions, others’ reactions, experiences at home, school, work & community, age, achievements, role/status in society, ago, and social relationships, just to name a few. It was seen that the general …
Does Our Level of Optimism/Pessimism Change with Life Experiences?
By VIJAI PANDAY Entrepreneur, Advisor and Chief psychometric Scientist Mentor ,Head of Assessments of the psychometric World Optimism/Pessimism is conceptualised in two distinct, if not exclusive, manner. One, as a ‘dispositional optimism’ -a generalised expectation that good things will happen in future. Two, as a general feeling of hope and joy with regard to future.Researchers have debated since long whether …
Leadership of Differences: Embracing Diversity in Leadership
The Earth we live in is increasingly becoming a battlefield for the forces of integration versus the forces of fragmentation. The play between opposites has encumbered our world as it has our family lives as well. Psychologists, counselors,management gurus have all been working hard to find solutions to a growing‘relationships’ crisis, at both the macro and micro levels. In the …
Psychological First Aid: Supporting Others in Crisis
COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented situation which has led to struggles in the various domains- personal, social, economic, and political. The psychological aftermath of these changes can be predicted to be huge, and impacting several of us. In many cases, a resolution of these issues would require professional mental health assistance. However, numerous persons in psychological distress may …