Wellbeing in Workplaces for 2022

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Employee Health, Employee wellbeing, General Psychology, Issue 13, Mental Health, Occupational Health

This article addresses the need for well-being initiatives in the workplace as a silver bullet for thriving organizations. It covers highlights from 2021 that lay the ground for setting processes in organizations supporting positive mental health as an outcome. Lastly, I offer suggestions on creating a baseline to address these issues. 2022 is still a year of recovery from the …


The benefits of small acts of kindness

Akshay Sharan Employee Engagement, Employee Health, Organizational Development Leave a Comment

A new study at the University of California attempted to study altruistic tendencies & their impact in a working environment. A group of employees were asked to be kind to a small group (experimental group)  of people while expressing nothing of the sort to a different group (control group). Results suggest that pro-social behaviours by the experimental group increased by …