Interpersonal Skills as a Career Booster: A Social Psychological Perspective on Communication and Collaboration

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 43, Volume 4

In the world of career growth, interpersonal skills are like important strands that weave together the insights from social and organizational psychology with the realities of working with others. This article looks at how these skills are essential for building a successful career, not just nice-to-have qualities. They play a crucial role in helping people work well together, communicate effectively, …

Understanding Group Behavior for Team Success: Insights from Social Psychology

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Issue 43, Team Effectiveness, Volume 4

Group dynamics are crucial in every setting that involves the collaboration of people. Social psychology helps us decipher the corporate workplace in newfound ways and gives us an understanding of how people work. The synergy between organizational psychology and social psychology provides profound insights into how individuals interact within groups, and these interactions influence a team’s overall performance. Recently, working …

Mentorship and Coaching in the Workplace: Psychological Principles for Career Development

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Coaching, Issue 43, Organizational Development, Training and Development, Volume 4

In the bustling corridors of a renowned corporation, a young, ambitious professional found himself at a career crossroads. Despite his hard work and dedication, his path to advancement seemed obscured, like a sailor lost in a foggy sea. Enter a seasoned executive with a wealth of experience and a keen eye for potential. Recognizing the young professional’s dilemma, she offered …

Resilience Training in Organizations: Learning to Thrive in Challenging Environments.

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Employee wellbeing, Issue 43, Organizational Development, Training and Development, Volume 4

When Covid-19 pandemic hit us hard, posing significant health, economic, and social challenges, many companies across globe recommended their employees to take up the HBR online course on “Ernest Shackleton and his historic Endurance expedition”. Well, who is this Ernest Shackleton and how can his expedition help us with the unprecedented issues we faced with COVID-19? To understand this, let …

The Role of Social Influence in Organizational Change: Strategies for Effective Adaptation and Learning

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Issue 43, Organizational Development, Training and Development, Volume 4

The process of social influence in organizations involves the demonstration of particular behavioral tactics and strategies by individuals to influence behavioral outcomes controlled by others in ways that maximize positive outcomes for the influencer and minimize negative outcomes. Social influence processes have a significant impact on organizational change. From an organizational development perspective, organizational change is “a set of Behavioral …

From Overworked to Energized: A Fresh Approach to Work

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Employee Engagement, Employee wellbeing, General Psychology, Issue 40, Leaderhsip Development, Volume 4

Coming across the topic of this month’s issue, my mind really kept going back to how routines have been helpful in my life. May it be a time when I studied hard for my mid-sems or finals, or may it be a time when I had to wake up, go to school or college, and now work. Routines really do …

Curiosity-Driven Leadership: Igniting Innovation and Adaptation in Organizations

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Employee Engagement, Employee wellbeing, General Psychology, Issue 39, Leaderhsip Development, Organizational Development, Volume 4

"Organizations that prioritize curiosity are better positioned to adapt to change and thrive in the midst of disruption" (Smith & Brown, 2022). In the constantly evolving business landscape, a curiosity-driven leadership strategy has emerged,paving the way for constant innovation and adaptability. The critical role that it plays in steering organizations toward innovative solutions, allows firms to enable them to not ...

Talent Development: Strategies for Career Advancement And Adaptation

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Coaching, Development Centers, Employee Engagement, Issue 39, Leaderhsip Development, Occupational Health, Training and Development, Volume 4

The idea of a linear career path has been replaced by a dynamic journey of continual learning and adaptation in today’s quickly changing professional scene. Talent development has become a crucial component of job growth, helping people to thrive in a constantly changing environment and stay relevant. This essay examines efficient talent development tactics that promote professional advancement and the …

Unlocking Change – The Role of Adaptive Learning in Overcoming Phobias

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, Issue 39, Mental Health, Social Psychology, Talent Management, Volume 4

Phobias, which are characterized by irrational and intense fears of particular objects or situations, can have a profound impact on an individual’s overall well-being. Although the roots of phobias can be intricate, the introduction of adaptive learning methods has introduced novel avenues for assisting individuals in conquering these fears. This article explores the revolutionary impact of adaptive learning on phobia …

Social Learning and Curiosity: How Peer Interactions Foster Adaptive Learning

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Issue 39, Mental Health, Social Psychology, Training and Development, Volume 4

A vital component of human growth and development is learning. While traditional educational institutions are important for acquiring knowledge, social connections, and peer involvement account for a sizable percentage of our learning. This type of learning, known as social learning, is closely related to curiosity, the need we all have to look around us, ask questions, and try to comprehend …