Leadership of Differences: Embracing Diversity in Leadership

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 2, Volume 1

The Earth we live in is increasingly becoming a battlefield for the forces of integration versus the forces of fragmentation. The play between opposites has encumbered our world as it has our family lives as well. Psychologists, counselors,management gurus have all been working hard to find solutions to a growing‘relationships’ crisis, at both the macro and micro levels. In the …

Psychological First Aid: Supporting Others in Crisis

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 2, Volume 1

COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented situation which has led to struggles in the various domains- personal, social, economic, and political. The psychological aftermath of these changes can be predicted to be huge, and impacting several of us. In many cases, a resolution of these issues would require professional mental health assistance. However, numerous persons in psychological distress may …

Knee Jerk Reactions to Stereotypes

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 1, Volume 1

There was a post recently on a platform for professionals which was about the international state of affairs and the consequent return of non-resident Indians (NRIs) to India in the upcoming days and months. The post was a good example of stereotyping a certain set of people who have been grouped for purposes of collective reference. In social psychology, a …

Psychosocial Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 1, Volume 1

  COVID-19 pandemic, though is biological in nature, has already left a long trail of social issues which in turn has let to lot of psychological problems. To begin with, in the absence of medical vaccine so far, we are left with no other choice than the social vaccine – Home Quarantine, Lockdowns and Social Distancing. The social measures taken …

Dealing with Change: Adapting to the New Normal at Work

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 1, Volume 1

  Change can be simply defined as a transition or an alteration. As our planet weathers the COVID-19 pandemic- jobs, organizations and workforce have been pushed into uncharted territories. A sudden switch to remote modes of working, changes in work environment and lifestyle are proving to be testing times for organizations. Observing change, or witnessing things unfolding passively is different …

Self Talk

iibp-admin General Psychology, Mental Health

How do you talk to yourself? By that, I don’t mean talking out-loud while walking down the street, or sitting alone, I mean, what is the tone of your inner dialogue: the conversations we have with ourselves in the privacy of our own mind? The words we use to speak to ourselves can have a huge impact on us. If ...

Announcing Mr. Rajan Sinha as Vice-President & Head of Committee

iibp-admin Coaching, News Corner, Training and Development

Tweet IIBP appoints Mr. Rajan Sinha as "Vice-President & Head, Committee for Accreditation of Coaching Practices."   On 29th April 2020, Mr. Rajan Sinha was appointed as Vice-President & Head of Committee for Accreditation of Coaching Practices. Mr. Rajan Sinha, Chief Executive Officer, Mantrana Consulting is a PCC-level certified Life and Leadership Coach from Coach-for-life, Inc., USA. A former Head, ...

Announcing Dr. Anamika Sharma as Vice-President & Head of Committee

iibp-admin News Corner, Psychometric Testing

IIBP appoints Dr. Anamika Sharma as "Vice-President & Head, Committee for Accreditation of Psychometric Testing." In April 2020, Dr. Anamika Sharma was formally appointed as "Vice-President & Head, Committee for Accreditation of Psychometric Testing." This marks a landmark day in IIBP's history, as we strive to build a community of business psychologists & those interested in the study of business ...

How dishonest behavior reduces individuals’ ability to read others’ emotions

iibp-admin Coaching, Employee Selection, Training and Development Leave a Comment

In this research, researchers examine the unintended consequences of dishonest behavior for one’s interpersonal abilities and subsequent ethical behavior. Specifically, they explore how dishonest conduct can reduce one’s generalized empathic accuracy— which is the ability to accurately read other people’s emotional states. In the process, they distinguish these 2 constructs (dishonest conduct and empathic accuracy) from one another and demonstrate …