Creative Outlets: The Role of Art and Music in Mental Health

Team IIBP Business Psychology, Development Centers, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Issue 47, Mental Health, Mental Health Champions, Team Effectiveness, Training and Development, Volume 4

In a recent study conducted by mental health experts, the role of creative outlets such as art and music in promoting mental wellness has come to the forefront. With increasing stressors and pressures in today’s society, individuals are turning to these expressive mediums as a means of finding solace and healing. Art therapy, a practice that involves the use of …


Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 13, Volume 2

Sex education remains a foreign concept in many parts of India. Both parents and teachers do little to educate children about sex and other related subjects. There is also a common misconception that sex education only concerns reproduction and sex organs, despite the fact that it is much more. Before we get into when should we start sex education, let’s …