Human beings have a large vocabulary for communicating emotions. Hundreds of words exist across the world for emotional states and concepts. But what about words that exist across many languages , example “love” or “happiness”? Does the meaning of such words is same across all the languages or do we experience emotions differently based on the cultures we are brought …
Top Psychological Competencies Essential for a Graduate/Fresher
“Competencies are to performance like what DNA is to people” – Hay Group “With over 78.3% lack employability skills when they graduate” (Deloitte Dean Survey, 2019). The burning question of why and what can be done to bridge the graduate-employment gap is a pressing matter of concern for both recruiters and higher education institutes (HEI’s). The constant focus on achieving …
What’s the Psychological Implementation of Online Education?
Ms. Shaziya Masarrat Human interaction plays a vital role in the growth and development of our brains. In all the various possible aspects of emotional level, professionally or psychological level. Independent of its consequences favourable,terrible or other.We, humans, need humans to rely upon, enjoy associating, establishing alliance & socializing.The advancement in technology made it possible to interact without being physically …
Toxic Positivity: The Hidden Dangers of Forced Optimism
Embrace the Blues You are calling a friend right after something bad happened. You seem to be broken,ost and worried. All you are looking for right now is some comforting words. But your friend responds to you with a“Oh stop worrying so much, others have it worse”,“ you are going to be fine, just be happy”“Don’t be so negative, it’s all …
What Are Different Kinds of Tortures/Abuse and Their Effects on a Child’s Mind and Adult Life?
Torture is an act of inflicting physical or psychological pain by a perpetrator to the victim. This act may be from mild to severe and prolonged intended to inflict pain and suffering. Abuse on the other hand, is an intense behavior pattern used by the perpetrator to gain control and maintain power over the victim. Both the acts may be …
Pandemic (COVID-19) Effect on Emotional Well-Being of Children
“Collectivist cultures may have evolved a suite of behaviours that are well adapted to epidemics” Last eight months changed the entire world and gave a novel way or hope for seeing the role of collectivism culture and its positivity towards communities. Novel CoronaVirus (COVID-19) creates havoc in an entire world with millions of deaths, suicides, unemployment, economic crisis, migration and …
Psychological Implications of Online Education: Adapting to a New Learning Environment
The unprecedented pandemic has brought life to a standstill. Globally all the countries world over have faced huge setbacks and education is one of the sectors which is undergoing a sea change in terms of adapting to digital learning as the new normal. This paradigm shift in the field of education has been received with mixed response from its primary …
First-Hand Crisis Intervention Methods: Tools for Immediate Support
In the year 2016, the theme of the year for the World Health Organization (WHO) was Psychological First Aid (PFA). PFA is given to any individual who has recently faced severe loss or trauma following a crisis event and in need of primary intervention. The world has witnessed both natural and man-made disasters. These include wars, natural disasters, and pandemic, …
Do Counselors Need Counseling? The Importance of Self-Care
Have you ever come across a doctor who never falls ill? Who doesn’t need medication or even sometimes a consultation from another doctor? I hardly find this to be a realistic thought. The human being is a very complex creature; there can never be an exact science when it comes to the matters of the mind. The mind, body, and …
Psychology of Dehumanization: Understanding its Impact
Black Lives Matter protests that began last month have sparked up similar social movements across the world, such as Palestinian Lives Matter, Russian Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter, & Papuan Lives Matter,where communities are protesting against systemic oppression and marginalization. Research shows that different communities are indefinitely referred to as animals & savages in various ways; Blacks as apes & …