Psychological Impact of Being Indoor: Amongst Children (5-14 yrs)

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 6, Volume 1

Pandemic !! Stay Indoors !! Maintain Social Distancing !! Disruption In Daily Routine !! Life came to a full stop. Suddenly no schools, no offices, no going out, no meeting friends and family- overnight everything stopped. Now stay indoors, maintain social distancing, wear a mask, online schooling, work from home. Since the lockdown, the world has come to a standstill, …

What Makes You Feel Ugly?

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 6, Volume 1

I am a Psychologist; I am a Therapist but more than anything I am a woman who’s fed up with linear beauty standards. I grew up in India, where the ideal image for a good-looking girl is light skinned with long hair. Well, I am brown-skinned. I was always curvier and I still do have dark circles. For the last …

Work from Home Nah! Office at Home

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 6, Volume 1

If you have been hit by the reality that working from home is not as fascinating as you thought of it, then you are not alone. Almost everyone is facing the same wave of emotions, mental and physical sluggishness is common. Thus, normalizing this phenomenon is the only way through. So, let’s just fetch out the positive perspective of work …

Pandemic (COVID-19) Effect on Emotional Well-Being of Children

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 5, Volume 1

This Pandemic situation, last few months have been really tough for everyone and so it is for parents as well as for kids too. It’s a time for parents to learn how to deal with their kids 24/7 and for kids how to make the most use of their time and energy. In the earlier phase of covid-19 ( lockdown1) …

Psoriasis and Psychodermatology: The Mind-Skin Connection

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 5, Volume 1

Studies estimate that in one out of three dermatological patients report of psychological factors that underlie and exacerbate their dermatologic symptoms; thus efficacious care and management must consider psychosocial characteristics of the individual and other psychological factors in disease onset, prognosis, severity, and treatment. These factors are of particular crucial significance in individuals with chronic conditions like eczema, psoriasis, urticarial, …

Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Enhancing Workplace Dynamics

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 5, Volume 1

Most employees understand that their primary duty is to do the work that is assigned to them, stay away from behaviors that could be deemed troublesome, and deliver work that is acceptable and beneficial to the organization. Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is an evolving concept concerning how and why people contribute positively to their organizations beyond defined work roles.The study …

Aspects of Normality: Redefining What is ‘Normal’

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 5, Volume 1

Recently, a person has committed suicide and his caregivers were claiming his behaviour quite normal. before the unfortunate incident. In another time, an occurrence of pandemic intensively affects our life and rapidly compels to live with a ‘new normal’ life style. Besides these situations, there are many reports which portray the lack of awareness about the pandemic among people even …

Be Positive! Really??

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 5, Volume 1

Positivity can create wonders but how many wonders do we see happening in the world around us? Very few. This could mean that either positivity is not easy (very few could have it) or it is not working for the majority to do wonders. Or both (not easy and not working). What is positivity, then? Probably, thinking ‘All is well’ …

Self Reflection during Covid Pandemic

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 4, Mental Health

Who would have thought that the world would come to this? As covid pandemic is sweeping the world, we as individuals in the extended human world are living through this crisis together. And this global crisis is affecting every person’s daily life. There are plenty of things happening worldwide- series of lockdown, border closures, economic and social disruption, impact on …

COVID-19 and Work-Life Balance: Finding Harmony in Chaos

Shalinee Tripathi Anveshan, Issue 4, Volume 1

A one-size-fits-all WFH policy isn’t the right answer, even if companies are switching from on-premise to remote working overnight due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The recent outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) has made work from home (WFH) a mandatory policy for most companies around the world. Many renowned companies previously shied away from remote work are now eagerly adopting this policy. …