We Shall Overcome

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 13, Volume 2

“Think Positive, Be Positive, Speak Positive”… Yes we know … and yet, it’s an uphill task, especially when we are in the eye of the storm and all we see and feel is darkness. It’s just an irritating advice. Yet, deeper in our hearts we know that it’s always good-over-evil and that ‘two negatives cannot make a positive’. So what’s …

Valuable Employee Traits for a Work-from-Home Setting

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 9, Volume 2

The COVID pandemic has tilted the functioning of the world and has had serious implications for organizations. Not only have companies had to move online regardless of the field in which they work, but many employees have also been let go off due to the economic strain the world has suffered. The pandemic points towards the uncertainty that all employees …