The Butterfly Effect: How Minor Gestures Transform Employee Wellbeing

Team IIBP Business Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Employee wellbeing, Issue 47, Mental Health, Mental Health Champions, Organizational Culture, Organizational Development, Team Effectiveness, Uncategorized, Volume 4

In business operations, a single action can trigger a domino effect, reverberating throughout the organization. Within the complex dynamics of workplaces, prioritizing employee well-being emerges as a linchpin for organizational success. The adage ‘happy employees, productive workforce’ encapsulates a truth proven time and again. However, fostering employee well-being does not necessarily require grand gestures or lavish perks. Often, it begins …

Creative Outlets: The Role of Art and Music in Mental Health

Team IIBP Business Psychology, Development Centers, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Issue 47, Mental Health, Mental Health Champions, Team Effectiveness, Training and Development, Volume 4

In a recent study conducted by mental health experts, the role of creative outlets such as art and music in promoting mental wellness has come to the forefront. With increasing stressors and pressures in today’s society, individuals are turning to these expressive mediums as a means of finding solace and healing. Art therapy, a practice that involves the use of …

The Unseen Backpack: Supporting Mental Health in Invisible Battles

Team IIBP Business Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Employee Engagement, Employee Health, Employee wellbeing, General Psychology, Issue 47, Leaderhsip Development, Mental Health, Mental Health Champions, Occupational Health, Organizational Culture, Organizational Development, Volume 4

In the bustling world of business, the spotlight is, more often than not, placed on outward accomplishments and observable triumphs. However, amid the hustle and bustle, there exists a quieter, often overlooked realm—the realm of mental health. Just like an unseen backpack, many professionals carry the weight of invisible battles, grappling with stress, anxiety, and other psychological challenges behind the …

Paws for Thought: The Therapeutic Power of Workplace Pets

Team IIBP Business Psychology, Corporate Social Responsibility, Development Centers, Emotional Intelligence, Employee Engagement, Employee Health, Employee wellbeing, General Psychology, Issue 47, Mental Health, Mental Health Champions, Occupational Health, Organizational Culture, Organizational Development, Team Effectiveness, Volume 4

The inclusion of pets in the workplace has garnered increasing attention due to its profound impact on employee well-being and productivity, backed by a growing body of research. For instance, a study conducted by the American Psychological Association found that interacting with animals can igger the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with stress reduction and social bonding. This physiological …

Saumya Sharan

Dishaa Sinha Mental Health Champions

Saumya Sharan been working in the counseling field for the past six years. She has worked with a diverse population of individuals of all age groups, dealing with a range of issues such as anxiety, depression, marital issues, bullying, among others. With a BA - Psychology, MA - Applied Psychology, and M.Phil - Clinical Psychology, Ms. Saumya has a rich ...

Jyoti Gupta

Dishaa Sinha Mental Health Champions

Jyoti Gupta A practicing clinical psychologist with 20 years of clinical experience, Jyoti Gupta has worked with people from all walks of life to achieve mindfulness. With vast experience in, clinical and community interventions, assessment, diagnostic process, guidance and counselling, psychometric testing. As a therapist in private practice, She specializes in helping couples improve their relationships, individuals recover from depression, ...