बेहतर लीडर बनने में क्रिटिकल थिंकिंग यानी आलोचनात्मक सोच की भूमिका

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Mental Health, जागृति

बेहतर लीडर बनने में क्रिटिकल थिंकिंग यानी आलोचनात्मक सोच की भूमिका सतनाम कौर    बहुत कम लोग जानते हैं कि क्रिटिकल थिंकिंग यानी आलोचनात्मक सोच को वर्ल्ड हेल्थ आर्गेनाईजेशन ने  जीवन को प्रभावी ढंग से जीने के कौशल की श्रेणीं में रखा हैं। यानी जीवन को अगर बेहतर ढंग से जीना हैं तो यह कौशल बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। पर सबसे ...

ग्रामीण महिलाएं और उनकी प्रगति

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Mental Health, जागृति

क्योंकि ग्रामीण भारत से संबंध रखता हूं और मैंने इसका सूक्ष्मता से अवलोकन किया। अतः मैं अपने उसी और दुकान से जगत ज्ञान को रखने को आधुनिक भारतीय महिलाएं यदि शहर शहरी है तो वह बाहर निकल कर नाम कमा रहे हैं अपनी पहचान बना रही है। परंतु ग्रामीण महिलाओं के जीवन से संघर्ष अभी पूरी तरह खत्म नहीं हुआ ...

The Psychology of Sports and Neeraj Chopra

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Issue 16, Mental Health, Volume 2

Neeraj Chopra, an Indian javelin thrower created history on 7th august 2021. He threw the javelin to a distance of 87.58m and made India proud by picking up the gold medal in Tokyo Olympics. Indeed, a moment to pause our life and to feel the pride feeling of being an Indian. This is an amazing result of Neeraj’s practice but above ...

What is imposter syndrome?

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Issue 16, Mental Health, Volume 2

Self-doubt and lack of confidence frequently cause people to doubt their own abilities and accomplishments, and to see themselves as undeserving or even an imposter. While most people can rise above the questions and believe in themselves and their accomplishments, this is not the case for people with imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is characterized by an inability to own one’s ...

Implications for Nudge Theory for Organizations

Team IIBP Anveshan, General Psychology, Issue 16, Mental Health, Organizational Culture, Volume 2

In today’s rapidly changing world, change is the only constant. And changes on the outside demand for change on the inside, from within – organizations and individuals. This implies that organizations aiming to thrive in the VUCA world are persistently looking for ways to bring about positive, desirable changes. There is definitely no dearth of tools, techniques and interventions to ...

How to Stay Motivated During Lockdown ft. COVID-19

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Issue 16, Mental Health, Volume 2

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” -Winston Churchill Amidst this seemingly endless lockdown, having lost the motivation to do anything is quite normal. After all, what’s the point of doing anything if you’re waking up just to spend yet another day under house arrest? It’s getting harder for people to ...

Managing Organizational Crisis through Emotional Intelligence

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Issue 16, Mental Health, Volume 2

“EQ training is a ‘must do’ training needed by all leaders in organizations. We need it personally for growth, and our employees need us to be self-aware of our emotional footprint on the people we work with.” – Joni Earl, CEO Sound Transit Crisis is very much part of our lives. It comes out of nowhere and surprises us. Covid-19 ...

Unpaid Internships in India: Does the Learning Outcome and Experience Equate to a Stipend?

Team IIBP General Psychology

Abstract Internships in India are now gaining more momentum than ever. Often prioritizing them over academics and grades, students today are in competition to obtain internships and make their resumes and profiles more attractive. Due to this, the number of internships on offer is rising, many of them being of an unpaid nature where interns receive no stipend for the …

Wellbeing in Workplaces for 2022

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Employee Health, Employee wellbeing, General Psychology, Issue 12, Mental Health, Occupational Health, Volume 2

This article addresses the need for well-being initiatives in the workplace as a silver bullet for thriving organizations. It covers highlights from 2021 that lay the ground for setting processes in organizations supporting positive mental health as an outcome. Lastly, I offer suggestions on creating a baseline to address these issues. 2022 is still a year of recovery from the …

Collective sensemaking in the period of uncertainty and global crisis the Covid-19

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, General Psychology, Issue 12

Uncertainty is at the forefront of many crises, disasters, and emergencies, and the COVID-19 pandemic with the arrival of third-wave is no exception. We, as psychologists are concerned with the coming of organizational pressures on the team workers and changing patterns of behavior of staff members owing to new challenges both in the structure and administrative field. We can begin …