Powering Employee Retention Through Cultural Diversity And Inclusion

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 33, Volume 4

After working for eight long years in a construction company, Mr. X quit his job. The job paid him well and his career did have steady growth. However, Mr. X resigned and HR was not able to retain him even after having multiple rounds of discussions. He did not reveal the true reason even during his exit interview. His boss, …

Fostering Workplace Tolerance Through Celebrating Cultural Diversity

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 33, Volume 4

An organisation is generally not just identified by the products they cater to, the services they offer, or the profits they generate. They are identified by their employees who are a major asset of any organisation. A company’s workforce helps to shape a company’s mission, vision, and viewpoints. Therefore, fostering workplace tolerance through celebrating cultural diversity is an important goal …

Building A Diverse & Inclusive Workplace: The Power Of Cross-Cultural Interactions

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 33, Volume 4

The concept of diversity and inclusion (D&I) has continued to gain traction in corporate circles in recent years, as business leaders are beginning to see the untapped benefits to corporate culture and business success. Diversity is the “what”; inclusion is the “how.” Diversity focuses on the makeup of your workforce — demographics such as gender, race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and …

From Pink Slips To Power Moves: Navigating Workplace Diversity During Layoffs

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 33, Volume 4

Several tech companies had undertaken a hiring spree during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, with the pandemic’s continued impact on the economy, these same companies are now being forced to make tough decisions about their workforce, resulting in layoffs. While layoffs can be an extremely painful and difficult process (for both the employer and the employee), it is important that these …

Unpacking The Link Between Employee Turnover & Inclusivity Upon Return To Offices

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 33, Volume 4

CEO Akhil Gupta of Sine.com, one of the biggest job application portals said, “Return to office will affect employee retention negatively, but not known to what extent”. Better work-life balance is an issue that is becoming more and more relevant, especially in light of the fact that burnout is now acknowledged as an  “occupational phenomena” that directly result from our …