Coaching laser logical employees to trust their hunches more

Devika Kapur September 2020, Webinars Leave a Comment

A major issue with the more practical industry workers, like engineers, accountants, data analyzers, etc. is their reliability on hard data. Many times in corporate situations, one needs to have the ability to trust their gut and intuition because it is possible that they aren’t many data points present to make a decision, at that moment in time. The apprehension …

How HR consultants can adapt to the changing model of working from home

Devika Kapur September 2020, Webinars Leave a Comment

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the structure of organizations has become flexible due to the introduction of working from home opportunities for the employees. As the world combats the situation, the business must keep running and decisions must be made, so how do we keep up with it? Human resources is seem as a highly interactive and face-to-face profession but as …

Introversion vs Extraversion in consulting

Devika Kapur September 2020, Webinars Leave a Comment

The classical dilemma, when it comes to personality dimensions and the job requirements is whether being stronger in one or the other trait allows you to perform better. The sociability of an individual is given a lot of weightage in this debate. There are many individuals that believe introversion is better for a consultant as they would listen more and …

Balance Scorecard and its implementation to enhance productivity

Devika Kapur September 2020, Webinars Leave a Comment

Balanced Scorecard is a strategic tool that allows managers and directors to get a top down view of their organization and the execution of its activities. For maximum output, it should be used to help re-focus the top managerial employees that are in-charge of others, but many times employers overuse this tool by applying it to all the employees, which …

How to align the best interests of the owner and the company’s development as a consultant

Devika Kapur September 2020, Webinars Leave a Comment

As an outsider entering the new world surrounding a company, there are times that the employees and owners of the organization will know more about their wants and needs than you will. Then why do they require a consultant? Even though they are aware of what is to be done and how they could get around the issue, the job …