Managing Organizational Crisis through Emotional Intelligence

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Issue 10, Mental Health

“EQ training is a ‘must do’ training needed by all leaders in organizations. We need it personally for growth, and our employees need us to be self-aware of our emotional footprint on the people we work with.” – Joni Earl, CEO Sound Transit Crisis is very much part of our lives. It comes out of nowhere and surprises us. Covid-19 ...

मानसिक स्वाथ्य से सम्बंधित अवधारणाए

Team IIBP जागृति, प्रकाशन 1

भारत में अनेकों परम्पराएं और रीति रिवाज हैं। बहुसंस्कृतियों वाला हमारा देश अपनी विकास यात्रा में नित नव सृजन कर रहा है। विज्ञान, स्वास्थ्य, चिकित्सा, व्यापार आदि लगभग सभी क्षेत्रों में भारत आज विश्व के अग्रणी देशों में शुमार है, फिर भी बहुत सारे ऐसे कारण हैं जिनकी वजह से मानसिक स्वास्थ्य का क्षेत्र अभी भी हमारे देश में उपेक्षणीय …

अच्छे मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए आवश्यक है सकारात्मक सोच और मूल्यों की वरीयता

Team IIBP जागृति, प्रकाशन 1

आज हम समाज में कई तरह की चुनौतीपूर्ण स्थितियों का सामना कर रहे हैं। कोरोना से उपजी भयावह समस्या के साथ- साथ तमाम अन्य तरह की सामाजिक, आर्थिक, सांस्कृतिक और साइबर क्षेत्र से जुड़े मुद्दों और विषमताओं ने सम्पूर्ण समाज को झकझोर दिया है। व्यक्ति जो की समाज की हर अच्छी- बुरी घटनाओं से ही संचालित और प्रभावित होता है …

Keeping Mental Health in check during the PANDEMIC

Dishaa Sinha Mental Health

The ongoing pandemic has changed everybody’s life to a great extent. We are facing new challenges everyday, even for minor day to day tasks. People’s education, career, almost everything is in hold and they don’t know what the future holds for them. This is a time of uncertainty. Uncertainty can lead to a lot of problems as we tend to …

Navigating the Uncertain Times.

Team IIBP Mental Health

Let me tell the story of the farmer and his donkey. It is an old story which I am sure is known to most.A farmer had an old donkey who fell into a well. Since the farmer thought that the donkey had had outlived its usefulness, he to leave it there and cover the well with sand so that it …

How depression affects work performance?

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 4, Mental Health

कभी खुद्द पे कभी हालात पे रोना आया …., मेरा जीवन कोरा कागज कोरा ही रह गया …., दुननया बनाने वाले क्या तेरे मन में समाई … काहे को दुननया बनाई…!!!!! Some of you might have heard these sad songs that depict a state of mind of a person, which we can easily identify as Depressive. As a layperson, we …


Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 4, Mental Health

Who would have thought that the world would come to this? As covid pandemic is sweeping the world, we as individuals in the extended human world are living through this crisis together. And this global crisis is affecting every person’s daily life. There are plenty of things happening worldwide- series of lockdown, border closures, economic and social disruption, impact on …

Announcing Ms. Nidhi Sharma as a member of the Mental health and well-being Committee

iibp-admin Mental Health, News Corner

On 20th March 2021, Ms. Nidhi Sharma was joined as a committee member of Mental Health & Well-Being.” Ms. Nidhi is specialized in Life Coaching, Career Coaching, Work-Life Balance, Performance Enhancement, and Communication, Growth Mindset Coaching & Counselling, Training, and Facilitation. Ms. Nidhi is an advertising professional with 14 years of experience, Ms. Nidhi has worked with market leaders such …

Announcing Ms. Anveeksha Tripathi Jain as a member of the Mental health and well-being Committee

iibp-admin Mental Health, News Corner

On 19th March 2021, Ms. Anveeksha Tripathi Jain was joined as a committee member of Mental Health & Well-Being.” Ms. Anveeksha is a Senior Mediator-TAG, Psychologist, Leadership Facilitator & Founder-Sakhiri & CoffeeConversations. Ms. Anveeksha is an Organisational Strategist, Psychologist and a Senior Mediator. She is the founder and Lead Psychologist with Coffeeconversations, of its kind center for therapeutic practices and …

Online Counseling : Strikes when the iron is hot

Team IIBP Mental Health

Just like a storybook tales one day a nightmare came and changed the plot of the story and made us depend on an online world, shopping and education was something already been accepted but suddenly, wedding, court proceedings, and your doctor’s appointment was also made online, initially, it was vague, how, when, where, but everything was managed to be smooth …