Don’t be a follower, be a leader; End the chain of the bystander effect

Umani Agarwal General Psychology Leave a Comment

“It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone”. Very few people actually have the courage to stand out or stand alone and take the road less travelled. The majority take the easier path of blindly following the crowd. In most cases, this is a decision that one takes unconsciously as the phenomenon is deeply engraved …

Satisficers and Maximisers: The cultural impact on decision-making styles

Shalinee Tripathi General Psychology 2 Comments

The freedom of choice has become deeply ingrained in our social fabric.  The ‘satisficing’ concept was first proposed by Herbert A. Simon, who created the portmanteau by combining the words ‘satisfying’ and ‘sufficing’. He developed the idea in 1956 as a way of explaining a particular form of decision-making known or cognitive heuristic. Simon believed that when satisficers are presented with …

whats your story

So, what’s your story?

Dr. Farah Naqvi General Psychology

I was attending a farewell function at a university when graduating students were called upon to share a few words about their journey. Some recalled of moments when they first entered the college premises, while some went back to their childhood ambitions and how they landed up in this college. Listening to them recounting their experiences, one thing was apparent ...

The Minacious Trap of Seeking Excessive Social Approval

Dr. Farah Naqvi General Psychology

Do you find yourself pleasing others sometimes at the cost of your own personal preferences and happiness? Do you feel utterly dejected when faced with criticism? Do you find buying yourself gadgets and products not because they cater to your senses but because they are in trend? Do you engage in endorsing religious or moral content in virtual space, not ...

Self Talk

iibp-admin General Psychology, Mental Health

How do you talk to yourself? By that, I don’t mean talking out-loud while walking down the street, or sitting alone, I mean, what is the tone of your inner dialogue: the conversations we have with ourselves in the privacy of our own mind? The words we use to speak to ourselves can have a huge impact on us. If ...

Optimism Bias (Unrealistic Optimism & the Illusion Of Invulnerability)

Himaja Boinapalli General Psychology

Optimism   Optimism can be one’s biggest strength. It acts as a self-fulfilling prophecy, helps us take risks, learn more & succeed, reduces stress & anxiety, elevates our mood and happiness, reduces the risk of coronary heart disease/death & thus improves health and wellbeing, just to name a few benefits.  ("The Optimism Bias: Imagining A Positive Future", n.d.) Optimism has ...