Video Games As A Coping Mechanism

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 7, Volume 2

Every one of us must have been allured by the tempting graphics and the instant gratification provided by the video games. They were designed for the sole purpose of entertainment which appealed to the young population. With the advancement in technology, the focus shifted from entertainment to other reasons why people started playing video games. Imagine that you have the …

Use Of Cognitive Therapy In Treatment For Anxiety And Panic Disorders: A Look Through Scientific Studies

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 7, Volume 2

However, David Clark broadly defined Cognitive Therapy as the process of identification of distorted thoughts, maladaptive beliefs and/or assumptions and consequent reshaping of the distorted cognitions with reality including and not limited to thought monitoring, and thought challenging, etc. The cognitive model of psychopathology uses the information processing theory as a corollary through which specific data is gathered, interpreted, and …

Should Animal Research In Psychology Be Eliminated?

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 7, Volume 2

Animal researches were effective in finding the effects of alcoholism in pregnancy, finding ways to deal with alcoholism and substance addiction, impact on improving the approach towards treating obesity (APA, Psy 301-CSULB, 1994). These researches including experiments with the animal have a huge impact on the education industry as well as on many improvements in studies of learning and cognitive …

Augmenting Employee Empowerment At Workplace

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 7, Volume 2

When attempting to understand how organizational theorists have attempted to define employee empowerment, two kinds of empowerment come into the picture. First is structural empowerment associated with the delegation of power by managers to employees. The second is psychological empowerment-based primarily on self-determination and intrinsic value. Most definitions of empowerment refer to some aspect of control over decision making, control …

COVID-19: How It Psychologically Affected The Rural Communities

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 7, Volume 2

Let’s start with the lockdown when there was no public transport, no travel permitted (except by those approved by the government), and very little transport of goods. Till 24th March, the spread of this pandemic was an urban phenomenon, largely found in locations that had foreign travelers and in a few smaller towns which had migrants from abroad. Since the …