What does it mean to have a psychologically healthier workplace? Don’t we all want to go to work with a feeling of positivity and excitement? Who doesn’t dream of waking up every day, excited to go to work? A healthy workplace is the one where workers and managers actively contribute to the work environment by promoting and protecting the mental …
We Shall Overcome
“Think Positive, Be Positive, Speak Positive”… Yes we know … and yet, it’s an uphill task, especially when we are in the eye of the storm and all we see and feel is darkness. It’s just an irritating advice. Yet, deeper in our hearts we know that it’s always good-over-evil and that ‘two negatives cannot make a positive’. So what’s …
Be Positive! Really??
Positivity can create wonders but how many wonders do we see happening in the world around us? Very few. This could mean that either positivity is not easy (very few could have it) or it is not working for the majority to do wonders. Or both (not easy and not working). What is positivity, then? Probably, thinking ‘All is well’ …