Being a part of any work team, a certain amount of knowledge and skill set is required. But, it is not only limited to that. In this era of betterment mentally, the psychological aspects known as Human Factors are equally significant. These factors make working in collaboration with people more accessible and better, resulting in growing productivity, individually and as a team.
The psychological aspects that can influence how a team or an individual performs vary with other things. Factors of significant importance include- Trust, Empathy, Flexibility, openmindedness, psychological safety, emotional intelligence, positivity, clarity, respect, diversity, conflict resolution, accountability, and much more. These factors can change the work dynamics more than just simple skillsets or knowledge about the work. Workspace can be made a comfortable and pleasant place for the workers if the psychological factors are kept in mind.
Talking about it, trust is the primary factor that helps employees or workers to build a connection with the work environment. Along with it empathy and respect for fellow mates and colleagues can create a bond and encourage them to share ideas openly resulting in the free flow of energy and motivation. On the other hand, having an open-minded approach to things can have a great impact on communication among the team members of any particular organization. Being flexible to one’s individual style of work can help one be more productive rather than forcing a specific type of work pattern. In this way, all the individuals will be more responsible for their work and can have full accountability for whatever they have to present on the table.
Having an open space physically with comfortable architecture has always been on the news in the workspace environment. But the importance of having a psychologically safe workspace has never been really talked about. A space where the employees/ workers feel free and safe to express themselves, their ideas and visions, and take risks without fearing negative consequences is more than anything one can ever want. Emotional intelligence is another factor that when checked and worked on can create wonders in regard to collaboration and communication in teams. Being aware of where a person is coming from emotionally is very important as a team member and subtle understanding in regards to that can help build a healthy environment to function as a team.
Inclusion of team members from different diversities and cultures and making them feel included, and cherishing their perspectives can knock their motivation level to put equal efforts
into a team. It can robust the decision-making process as a team. Fostering a sense of belonging among the team members can change the way of communication and collaboration in a team.
When it comes to any kind of failure as a team, the way it is handled says a lot about future successes. Having a positive mindset and approach towards the failure part of the job is the basic step in creating a strong success story. Supporting each other as a team, and encouraging the expression of emotions or what one feels as a part of the failure can help them do better next time.
As a whole, the Human Factor is more serious and vital than any other thing in an organization that as humans, it encourages working together to reach the same destination as a team.
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