Emerging Hybrid Work Culture and its Future Implications

Team IIBP Anveshan, Emotional Intelligence, General Psychology, Issue 19, Mental Health, Volume 3

What is a Hybrid Workplace Culture?


The hybrid work culture turned out great during the Covid time frame; notwithstanding, their proficiency is yet to be seen during the time of typical business as usual. A hybrid workplace culture incorporates both works from home and works from the workplace climate simultaneously. It offers adaptability to the employees, who have an idea of both physical and computerized/ digital work areas. This new work culture upholds each employee and their workplace.


Organizations with a hybrid workplace culture offer adaptability to their employees by giving cross-structural work areas empowerment, which incorporates flexible work areas, adaptable spaces, work from the office, and/or work from home area. This workplace model is entirely steady for employees and assists them with acquiring great usefulness and adaptability.A fruitful hybrid work model is the need of the hour as businesses and employees have experienced and are encountering never— seen—before disturbances in the past.


There are various hybrid work models in practice according to the organization’s needs. Let’s discuss some of these hybrid workspace models adopted by small to large organizations.


Hybrid Workplace Models In Practice


There are usually three distinct half and half workplace models which different organizations embrace:

Figure 1 – Hybrid Workplace Models


Remote-First Model


In the remote-first mixture model, organizations offer remote work to a large portion of the employees. Organizations follow completely remote work where employees can work somewhat in various time regions, work together online with their group, keep up with teams and maintain productivity.


Occasional-Office Model

In this model, the organization doesn’t follow a completely far-off work area, though they like to keep an office and expect employees to invest some energy working in the workplace space.


Office-first Model

In the remote-permitted model, organizations give both in-office and far-off choices to the workers. Be that as it may, the workplace is planned as the essential work area for working where the organization likes to work from the workplace mostly and give remote work to the worker whenever required.


Asking The Right Questions & Making The Right Choices


There are three basic choices organizations need to think upon before taking on a half and a half or hybrid work model. At the point when individuals can work from all over the place.


  • What type of workplace do we need?
  • What type of culture do we need?
  • What type of people practices do we need?


This sets out significant freedom for leaders to rethink the hierarchical scene, along with the critical switches of work environment, culture and individuals rehearses. While the possible plan of every hybrid model will be unique, in light of the business settings it is basic to completely see, completely consider, and cautiously imagine every one of the contributing elements that lead to a steady work environment, empower society, and maintainable individual practices.


Taking into consideration, a half and half/hybrid workforce model is the normal decision going ahead; notwithstanding, it is certainly not simple progress to guarantee consistent concurrence of various sorts of employees. Organizations should go advanced and change for development on the new market requirements and trends. 


Future-oriented plans should put people at the center, innovation at speed, and development at scale as the main parameters of transformation and change. Organizations previously working with these worth drivers are demonstrating stronger and will adjust significantly quicker, in the new balance as compared to others.


The dubious speed and conflicting requirements of the outer and interior climate and culture request direct activity and close association of the top management and alongside, their next—in—lines. The management requires to tune in (assemble information on workforce, business, culture, and climate), adjust (settle on the future diagram), and act (lead and measure venture—wide change). This activity should be completed in iterative cycles to persistently hone their hybrid workforce models, to guarantee that it yields the ideal outcomes on business and individual-related fronts.


Organizational Culture, Behaviour & The Hybrid Work Environment


Organizational culture is the arrangement of shared convictions, qualities, and methods of interfacing that shape the social climate of an organization. 


In Edward T. Hall’s cultural iceberg model, a couple of components of corporate culture are noticeable (like the vision and statement of purpose, corporate approaches, and outside show), while most components are imperceptible underneath the waterline (counting unwritten standards, connections, and status in the workplace). 


Employees learn about the imperceptible part of organizational culture by observing the interactions and behavior of colleagues. However, when in hybrid model connections are directed digitally through screens, a lot of this perception is lost as non-verbal communication is less apparent and unintentional or casual correspondence diminishes. One method for defeating the actual distance is to ensure the apparent part of the corporate culture remains similarly noticeable in the hybrid climate, for instance by highlighting the organization’s vision, statement of purpose, objectives, and qualities conspicuously in the computerized office space, (for example, on intranets, inward bulletins or screen savers). Another way is to in any case energize unconstrained or casual correspondence through advanced channels.


Nevertheless, the hybrid model poses two particular challenges for corporate culture: leadership must move from control to trust, and special attention must go to the fair inclusion of remote workers.


Impact of hybrid work culture on organizations & Employees


For businesses and organizations, a hybrid work culture will offer a plenitude of cost-saving advantages, as well as management opportunities that improve workspace utilization. Freedom to acquire a more current, complete workforce. Better space use and recovery of unused space. Less unbending nature in the plan of action might open the entryway for more adaptable roads of development.


For employees, the hybrid culture offers a perfect encounter that gives adaptable work styles and high efficiency. Employees get the choice to pick their work environment (In-office or In-home). Getting to team up apparatuses makes it simpler for employees to work with the group. Regardless of whether they work at home or in-office, they’ll get the adaptability they need to go about their best responsibilities consistently.


Concluding Note

Various organizations and associations are getting the crossover/hybrid working environment model to further develop usefulness without focusing on the employees. With the hybrid climate, there will be vital changes, by the way, we team up – how we direct gatherings, the plan and correspondence inside our gathering spaces, and how we track down our collaborators to work together. It is fundamental to make the right harmony between our physical and advanced/digital workplaces– among usefulness and proficiency. This equilibrium contrasts for every organization and employee and changes day by day, by inclination, job, and operations.


As organizations fabricate dynamic societies and work personally across time regions, the requirement for incorporated joint effort apparatuses becomes basic. 




Grzegorczyk, M., M. Mariniello, L. Nurski and T. Schraepen (2021) ‘Blending the physical and virtual: a hybrid model for the future of work’, Policy Contribution 14/2021, Bruegel






By Sirisha Susarla

Business/IO Psychologist



About The Author


Sirisha Susarla is a dedicated organizational psychologist, human resource consultant, life coach, and nonclinical counselor with skills in leading situation-specific counseling, coaching, and mentoring sessions at both individual and organizational levels. She is experienced in imparting group/individual coaching, end to end recruitment, taking counseling sessions & mentoring people by developing positive practices, and offering general guidance as well as in-depth training. Has mentored and trained 250+ professionals & students across the globe in the areas of business psychology, business coaching, industrial and organizational psychology, counseling, human resources management, change management, training and development, leadership coaching, life coaching, social psychology, positive psychology, intervention planning, color psychology, projective techniques, art therapy, and mindfulness, etc.


She is well trained with expertise in providing psychosocial support, offering io/business psychology consultation, and dealing with psychological well being related areas including but not limited to Stress, Anxiety, Burnout, Work-life Balance, Goal Setting, Motivation, Relationships, and other NON CLINICAL ISSUES like Assertiveness Skills, Bias, Prejudice & Discrimination, Career Transition & Career Direction, Workplace Bullying & Harassment, etc.