Rapid Personality Questionnaire


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  • Create Date 16-March-2020
  • Last Updated 16-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 23rd November 2007

Description of the Test:

The RPQ includes a suite of three separate single-page adjective checklists. Each RPQ is administered by paper and pencil and then scored by computer. The computer software produces a narrative report interpretation, which is intended for occupational use. The technical manual defines the purpose of the RPQ as follows: ‘The RPQs are designed to give a reliable, valid, quick and simple-to-use general purpose profile of a subjects operational personality within a work setting’. The RPQ1 and RPQ2 includes the same 80 adjectives, but for the RPQ1 half the items are answered in terms of ‘How you feel you really are at work’ while the other half are answered in terms of ‘How you think others at work see you’. RPQ1 is therefore intended for use in employee development and selection whereas RPQ2 is intended just for selection. The Publishers claim that the second edition of the RPQ2 is more widely used in development and team building than the first edition. RPQ2 items are answered in terms of ‘How you feel you really are at work’. The literacy level required to answer the items in the first edition made it most relevant for use with managerial and professional groups. However, the Publishers claim that this is not the case for the second edition. While there is considerable overlap between RPQ1/2 and RPQ3 the 60 items in the second edition of the RPQ3 are no longer a subject of the longer 80 item versions. Certain adjectives within the RPQ3 are unique to this version (e.g. ‘lucky’, ‘polite’). The RPQ3 requires a lower level of literacy making it relevant for use with school leavers and people on vocational training courses. A response is made to each adjective on a five-point Likert scale from 1, ‘Not at all like me’, to 5, ‘Very much like me. The narrative report presents an interpretation in terms of five factor-analytically defined scales. These scales were designed to cover the same domains as the ‘Big Five’ personality factors. For the RPQ these are labelled: Extraversion/Introversion; Confidence/Caution; Structural/Non-Structural; Tough mindedness/Benevolence; and Conformity/Non-Conformity, Scale scores are reported in graphical form in relation to a 19-point scale derived from the Standardisation sample. The RPQ1 reports two additional measures. First, ‘Difference Indicators’ are measures of how scores on each of the five scales differ in terms of ‘How you feel you are at work’ and ‘How you think others see you at work’, standardised against a sample of the UK working population. This is also standardised against the UK working population. All three versions of the RPQ can report the respondent’s preferred team role in terms of eight-team role definitions. The short computer report presents a narrative interpretation of the main scales as well as combinations of scales. Two further variants of the RPQ are now available. The RPQ360 a development of RPQ2 designed to collect multi-rater (360 degree) feedback; and the JAQ, an RPQ-derived job analysis tool. These two forms are not included in this review.

Authors: Psychometric Services Ltd (1st & 2nd edition)

Test Publisher: Kenexa

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