Team Performance Profile


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  • Create Date 16-March-2020
  • Last Updated 16-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 1st September 2006

Description of the Test:

The Team Performance Profile is based on the authors’ Team Management Profile. It is a multi-rater instrument designed to be used to give 360 degree feedback on a team’s performance. Team members, senior management and other key stakeholders are asked to give information relating to team performance for development purposes. The focus of the feedback is on the whole team, and not individuals within it. The Team Performance Profile provides feedback on 9 team performance factors based on the 9 types of work defined in the Team Management Profile, i.e. Advising: Gathering and reporting information Innovating: Creating and experimenting with ideas Promoting: Exploring and presenting opportunities Developing: Assessing and testing the applicability of new approaches Organising: Establishing and implementing ways of making things work Producing: Concluding and delivering outputs Inspecting: Controlling and auditing the working of systems Maintaining: Upholding and safeguarding standards and processes Linking: Coordinating and integrating individual efforts within the team The measure requires ratings from the team members themselves, the team’s supervisor and at least 1 group of others (e.g. customers, related teams, etc). Ratings are summarised in a number of ways including: Satisfaction Ratings: comparison of ratings of the extent to which team performance factors are actually shown with the extent to which they should be shown (expressed as a percentage) broken down by respondent group Importance Ratings: importance of team performance factors (expressed as a percentage of the maximum possible and as a ranking against other skills) broken down by respondent group Quantitative Report: item by item reporting of ratings of team behaviours broken down by respondent group with gap analysis and range reporting Scoring of the measure can be achieved only by computer (using either the TMS bureau service or dedicated PC software). The primary output is a report of 30 pages combining narrative with graphics. Elaborations of the meaning of each scale are provided with an indication of the extent to which that area might be a development need, or an opportunity for the team, as perceived from a variety of different perspectives. The results are based on a gap analysis of the difference between the extent to which the team should be carrying out the key performance factors and the extent to which these performance activities do actually take place. The differences between, and within, the different groups’ ratings are also provided. An action planning workbook is provided to help the team create actions for future development. An accompanying guide provides a platform for setting development objectives. Emphasis is given in the Ethical Guidelines appended to the Accreditation Guide on the need to provide appropriate feedback support to teams. Some guidance on how to do this is provided in the body of the Guide. Translations of the measure are available in a number of languages.

Authors: C. Margerison and D. McCann

Test Publisher: TMS Development International Ltd.

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