ICES Personality Inventory


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  • Create Date 6-March-2020
  • Last Updated 6-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 16th January 2008

Description of the Test

The ICES Personality Inventory is a general-purpose occupational personality questionnaire based on the Big Five model of personality (i.e. Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Anxiety and Openness to Experience). There are four major scales in ICES, Independence (generally corresponding to the opposite of Agreeableness), Conscientiousness, Extraversion and Stability (effectively the direct opposite of Anxiety). Each of these is divided up into two minor scales each, thus Independence is broken up into the Competitive and Assertive sub-scales, Conscientiousness is broken up into the Conventional and Organised sub-scales, Extroversion is broken up into the Group Orientated and Outgoing sub-scales, and Stability is broken up into the Poised and Relaxed sub-scales. The minor scales illustrate different, if statistically overlapping, facets of their corresponding major scales and play an important role in helping to interpret candidate responses. There is also a Social Desirability scale. The questionnaire consists of 110 items (24 items for each of the four major scales, plus 14 items for Social Desirability). The items consist of short self-referent statements which candidates respond to by circling one of three letters, A, B, or C, effectively/ agree’, ‘uncertain’ or disagree’. Candidates are advised not ‘to guess what the best or most appropriate responses are’, and that there are ‘checks for distortion and inconsistency’. There is no set time limit for completion, although up to 30 minutes is suggested. In practice most candidates will finish the questionnaire within 20 minutes. The target application for ICES appears to be the general assessment of personality for a wide range of jobs (semi-skilled to managerial/professional) within an organisational setting. An examination of the items, however, reveals that approximately one-fifth relates to explicitly non-work settings, including references to leisure activities, entertaining, society in general and where to live. As noted earlier, the ICES Personality Inventory is part of a broader psychometric package, ICES+, which also includes three short, but robust ability tests and one short but robust interest inventory. The scoring system does not charge additional ‘meters’ for using these additional elements.

Authors: Prof. David Bartram

Test Publisher: View Assessments International Ltd.

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