Gordon’s Personal Profile Inventory


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  • Create Date 5-March-2020
  • Last Updated 5-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS in 2003

Description of the Test

The GPP-I is intended to measure personality with respect to eight specific personality traits. It was constructed by combining two separate instruments developed by its author: the Gordon Personal Profile (GPP), and the Gordon Personal Inventory (GPI). The traits measured, which are regarded as relatively stable and enduring, are (from the original GPP): Ascendancy, Responsibility, Emotional stability and Sociability. The sum of these scale scores is used as a measure of Self-esteem. In addition, measures are obtained of Cautiousness, Original thinking, Personal relations and Vigour, based on the original GPI scales. The GPP-I is short, with 38 sets each of four items. There is no time limit. Each of the 38 sets consists of four short (4 to 10-word) descriptions of personal characteristics. Respondents are asked to choose one item that is most like them and one that is least like them. The four items are constructed so that two are generally considered to be equally complimentary and two are usually considered uncomplimentary. This form of quasi-ipsative construction allows the total score across scales to vary (for ipsative measures it is constant). It is also claimed that the forced-choice format is less susceptible to fake-good motivational distortion than is a typical single-item test.

Authors: Leonard V. Gordon

Test Publisher: GL Assessment

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