Global Personality Inventory


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Note: This test review was published by BPS on 5th February 2010

Description of the Test

The Global Personality Inventory (GPI) is designed as a cross-cultural measure of work-based personality dimensions. It is intended for use mainly with professional employees, particularly middle managers and executives. It has been designed for selection, development, coaching and feedback purposes. It is primarily aimed at multi-national organisations who want to use a common personality questionnaire to assess candidates and employees internationally. In line with this, it is available in a number of different languages. The GPI measures 37 facets of personality which are grouped into 9 performance factors. Most of these facet scales are unidimensional trait constructs. However, the inventory also includes ‘trait composite’ scales, which are considered to be multidimensional scales which reflect derailing syndromes that can lead to management failure. The scales and factors measured by the GPI are: Thinking factor: Thought Agility, Innovativeness/Creativity, Thought Focus, Vision. Planning & Execution factor: Attention to Detail, Work Focus. Facilitating Leadership factor: Taking Charge, Influence. Derailing Leadership factor: Ego-Centered, Manipulation, Micro-Managing, Intimidating, Passive-Aggressive. Interpersonal factor: Sociability, Consideration, Empathy, Trust, Social Astuteness. Motivation factor: Energy Level, Initiative, Desire for Achievement. Individual Work Orientation factor: Independence, Competitiveness, Risk-Taking, Desire for Advancement. Collective Work Orientation factor: Interdependence, Dutifulness, Responsibility. Self-Management factor: Adaptability, Openness, Negative Affectivity, Optimism, Emotional Control, Stress Tolerance, Self-Confidence, Impressing, Self-Awareness/Self-Insight. The facet scales were developed using the Five-Factor Model as a starting point, along with a review of major personality inventories. The performance factors used to group the scales are based on a model of job performance developed by PDI through their own organisational research. The GPI was developed through a coordinated international effort involving representatives from 14 different countries. The development process focused on identifying work-related personality constructs that could be measured effectively across a range of different cultures. The country teams all had input into the development of the facet scale concepts, contributed ideas for inventory items, and conducted trials of the inventory so that the results could be compared across cultures. The inventory contains 300 items and takes in the region of 50 to 60 minutes to complete. It is administered online, under controlled unsupervised or supervised conditions. Respondents rate each item statement on a 5-point Likert-type rating scale ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. Three different reports can be obtained once a respondent has completed the inventory. All reports present the inventory results on a 1-10 sten scale. Two reports are aimed at qualified users (i.e. Level B Intermediate Certificate holders): a profile report containing the results for the 37 facet scales and a competency report containing the aggregated results for the 9 performance factors. An additional report is available for managers who are not trained to use the inventory, which provides narrative interpretation and suggested behavioural description interview questions.

Authors: M. J. Schmit, J.A. Kihm, C. Robie

Test Publisher: Previser (ASE)

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