Big Five Structure Inventory


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  • Create Date 26-February-2020
  • Last Updated 26-February-2020

Note: This test review was done by BPS on 2nd April 2015

Description of the Test

The Big Five Structure Inventory (BFSI) is a modular self-report questionnaire designed to measure the Big Five factors of personality: Emotional Stability, Extraversion, Openness, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness. Each dimension is measured by six subscales, as follows: Emotional Stability: Carefreeness, Equanimity, Positive mood, Social confidence, Self-control and Emotional robustness. Extraversion: Friendliness, Sociableness, Assertiveness, Dynamism, Adventurousness and Cheerfulness. Openness: Openness to imagination, Openness to aesthetics, Openness to feelings, Openness to actions, Openness to ideas and Openness to the value and norm system. Conscientiousness: Competence, Love of order, Sense of duty, Ambition, Discipline, Caution. Agreeableness: Willingness to trust, Genuineness, Helpfulness, Obligingness, Modesty, Good-naturedness. In total, the BFSI contains 300 items (either adjectives or statements). Respondents must agree the extent to which the item applies to them on a four point rating scale. Test users can choose to administer the entire questionnaire or a specified set of subscales. This allows for a more targeted approach when there are only particular personality traits of interest for the assessment situation. In order to obtain a score for a particular Big Five factor, at least two of the subscales within that factor must be administered in the questionnaire. The BFSI has been designed by drawing on the large body of existing research around the Big Five personality dimensions, and with reference to existing Big Five inventories in German and English speaking countries. Initially both German and English versions of the BFSI were developed simultaneously, and the questionnaire has subsequently been adapted into 13 other languages. The questionnaire has been developed using item response theory rather than classical test theory, specifically the Partial Credit Model (Masters 1982). This offers some psychometric benefits over classical test theory. The BFSI is primarily intended for use in personnel psychology (ie employee selection and development) and in educational psychology. There are norms available for both 1,314 German-speaking individuals aged between 14 and 85 and for 520 English-speaking individuals aged between 14 and 70. One report is available for the BFSI, which is intended for the test user, although it is also possible to create bespoke reports as well. This standard report presents the respondentÂ’s results on each Big Five dimension and the 30 subscales in comparison to the selection norm group using a percentile scale. Some basic interpretation of the meaning of the score is also included in the report. The test is part of the Vienna Test System, a wide ranging computerised battery of work related tests covering aspects such as: attention; reactive behaviour and visual functions; sensomotor functions; and cognitive abilities, as well as a range of aspects of personality.

Author:Martin Arendasy

Test Publisher: SCHUHFRIED

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