Deadlines & their impact on performance

Akshay Sharan Employee Engagement, Organizational Development Leave a Comment

A recent research study at Tel Aviv University proposes that knowing when a task ends, improves our performance on the task. Knowing when a task is to finish allows us to allocate time to other activities upon completion of the task. This may be in the form of pursuing our hobbies & leisure activities. Individuals may also be less likely to take breaks knowing that the task is going to end soon, meaning engagement in leisurely activities is even closer. Further, individuals are unlikely to put in all their energy without the anchor of time. If we are unaware of when a task ends, we are less likely to give it our all as compared to when we know the deadline is approaching. This research highlights the importance of deadline setting either at an organisational level or at a personal level (in case deadlines are not set by the organisation). Knowing when or by when a task is to be finished, we may showcase greater willpower to complete the task.

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