Balancing Act: Work-life balance strategies for the 21st century

Team IIBP Anveshan, Business Psychology, Employee Health, Employee wellbeing, Issue 50, Organizational Culture, Uncategorized, Volume 4

An organizational concept known as “work-life balance” enables workers to effectively divide their time and attention between their jobs and other significant facets of their lives. Organizational psychologists may recommend putting work-life balance initiatives into place if they discover that staff members are depressed or anxious. Enhancing the work-life balance of staff members enables them to generate more and better work. Effective work-life balance initiatives boost dedication and motivation while lowering attrition and burnout at the office.

I/O psychology concepts support flexible work schedules, a psychologically secure workspace, and work-life balance as means of fostering a happy work environment and bettering individuals’ well-being. Workload management, wellness programs, and job design are all essential to creating a friendly environment. By implementing these tactics, companies can assist staff members in stress management, burnout reduction, and general well-being maintenance, which will boost their longevity and job happiness.

In a research article by Kristen Shockley and Malissa Clark from the University of Georgia, they mentioned the work-family balance struggles in the time of COVID-19. Recently, the statement made by Narayana Murthy, the founder of Infosys, that India’s work culture should change and employees should be working for 70 hours a week, supported by Bhavish Agarwal, the CEO of Ola, sparked a huge debate in the country, making us think about the various ways to create work-life balance strategies nowadays.

In general, there are a few strategies that can be created for work-life balance in today’s time, and they can be like focusing on family-friendly culture policies, training supervisors to be family supportive, providing schedule control and flexibility, considering job design and workload management, which can help to work without any stress or burnout.

Ruland.B (2020) Work-Family Balance Struggles in the Time of COVID-19,

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