Acceptance: An Essential Life Skill

Team IIBP Anveshan, Issue 11, Volume 2

“Some things are in our control and others not.” –Epictetus Acceptance is nothing but the willingness to experience things as they are. However, it’s much easier said than done. How many times have you resorted to watching a movie, or grabbing a pint of ice cream when you’re sad, instead of just letting it be? When you’re upset, isn’t it …

Counselling: Signs That You NEED It

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 9, Volume 2

Counseling, today has become a very common word amongst the general public but cultural stigma still surrounds it. People reach out to their friends or family when they face difficulties in dealing with problems in their life rather than going to a trained certified counselors. While it may work for some in specific situations, mental health problems always require a …

Recent Studies Suggest That Anxiety and Panic Attacks Can Be Treated Using Cognitive Therapy

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 9, Volume 2

Anxiety disorders constitute symptoms such as excessive fear and subsequent avoidance, typically in response to a specific object or situation and in the absence of true danger. They have a high prevalence, of about 18% and lifetime rates of about 29% (Kessler et al.,2010). Similarly, Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent unexpected episodes of sudden panic and …

Use Of Cognitive Therapy In Treatment For Anxiety And Panic Disorders: A Look Through Scientific Studies

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 7, Volume 2

However, David Clark broadly defined Cognitive Therapy as the process of identification of distorted thoughts, maladaptive beliefs and/or assumptions and consequent reshaping of the distorted cognitions with reality including and not limited to thought monitoring, and thought challenging, etc. The cognitive model of psychopathology uses the information processing theory as a corollary through which specific data is gathered, interpreted, and …