Motivation: A Driven Factor in the Work Culture

iibp-admin Anveshan, Issue 9, Volume 2

Have you ever wondered what might be stopping you from progressing further? Do you feel, losing the inner drive while engaged in your work?

Motivation is regarded as a significant construct and a major topic of research in organizational behavioral studies. Motivation largely contributes to an employee’s attitude that is analyzed through one’s work commitment, performance growth, and achievements.

Just like perception and emotions, motivation is a basic psychological process. Hence, motivation is a key aspect in understanding organizational behaviors; responsible for imparting the drive or energy essential to carry out the work efficiently.

The motivational intensity is well correlated with the interaction between the employee and the external environment. Interestingly, research does suggest that more than the monetary incentives and benefits, the employees consider workplace inclusion, assurance, and work appreciation worthier and effective in stimulating the work performance (Chamorro-Premuzic, 2014).

However, a survey conducted in India noted that highly competitive pay is the key motive when they look for a job change, constituting 89% of the employees, also suggesting the importance of recognition in the form of external benefits in enhancing motivation.

The concept of motivation definitely involves, employees’ motives and interests, work environment, personality traits, and skill set. However, here are the four core factors that can impact one’s motivational level, while considering an organisational sector/workplace:

1. Reward approach: Designing the right reward system is a crucial task i.e. incorporating and balancing between the external and internal benefits. Precisely, people will work productively when they are being rewarded accordingly. Studies suggest that besides pay increments, and other compensatory benefits, people also aim for heightened responsibilities and sovereignty.

2. Leadership pattern: Depends on one’s position, motives, and work pattern. The style should align rightly with one’s responsibilities and areas of expertise. A dynamic leadership style is the most effective whereby decisions are made considering suggestions of other supporting professionals as well, at the same time balancing the role of an authoritative figure when needed. Additionally, research also indicates that a dynamic leadership style can enhance the performance of low-profile individuals as well (Rahbi et al., 2017).

3. Workplace environment: The workplace environment can be largely influenced by other staff attitudes, career growth, psychological competencies, well-defined expectations, and a work culture outlined by honestly and equity. Maintaining a supportive relationship that involves psychological and social support for the employees, employee well-being initiatives, conducting training/workshops to improve one’s caliber, and strengthening team dynamics can positively impact the organizational culture.

4.  Workstyle: Work involving innovation, change in pattern, networking, and creativeness largely differs from a work type that is constant and involves no change in pattern. The latter one can be difficult in maintaining the motivational factor, such as in the case of factory workers, product manufacturers, whereby they have to perform efficiently in a regulated manner for profitable results. Companies have to regularly pay attention to their needs, structure their work system that can bring novelty, increased motivation, and productivity. In brief, motivation acts as a mediator between performance and achievements. All the aforementioned factors are the major components of workplace motivation. However other factors such as emotions, perspectives, thoughts, and consequences can also significantly impact one’s impulse to work productively. Ultimately, maintaining an optimal balance between meeting the employees’ needs and enhancing their skill-set essential for better performance can certainly enhance one’s motivation in work culture.




1- Freitas, V., & Duarte, M. (2017). Motivation at work: Case studies of Portuguese SMEs. Tékhne, 15(2), 88–99.

2- Porter, T. H., Riesenmy, K. D., & Fields, D. (2016). Work environment and employee motivation to lead. American Journal of Business, 31(2), 66–84.






About the Author.

Ms. Alita, is pursuing her final year B.Sc. Psychology with Counselling Skills at Middlesex University, Dubai. She was part of the Student Research Society, Middlesex, and has completed her training on Introduction to the Research Process conducted by the Middlesex University. She shows interest in providing research-based writings to create awareness on various mental health themes and greatly passionate about the business psychology field.