Vienna Test System: Measures of Maximum Performance. Visual Pursuit Test.


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  • Create Date 16-March-2020
  • Last Updated 16-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 30th May 2007

Description of the Test:

The Vienna Test System is a computerised collection of tests and assessments that can be used alone or combined as batteries of tests. The system contains 59 multi lingual instruments covering work, health and education and categorised as Intelligence, General Ability, Special Ability, Personality Structure, Attitude and Interests and Clinical tests. Those tests that are produced in the English Language and have not been reviewed elsewhere in these reviews will be reviewed here as individual tests. The Visual Pursuit Test (LVT) is a computer-based stand alone test of visual perception and selective attention. It has both long (80 items) and short (40 items) versions and measures the extent that individuals can track simple optical structures (e.g. lines) in a relatively complex environment (e.g. many lines). The test is computer administered and scored and takes about 15 minutes for the short version and 25 minutes for the long version (although timing is dictated by the test taker). Testing begins with a practice phase of 8 items and if they are answered with less than 3 mistakes, the test continues. Test takers are required to press a green and red button together which then shows the presentation of the test screen. On this screen there are nine lines, each running from the top of the screen to one of nine option buttons. All lines are mixed together. In testing one of the lines has a red arrow at the top and test takers are required to follow that line to the option button they perceive the line ends at (whilst still pressing the green and red buttons). They then release the red and green buttons, the lines are removed from the screen and the test taker is faced only with the nine option buttons. They then choose the button the line ended at. This is repeated for 40 or 80 items with increasing difficulty. Scoring is based on two main metrics (number of correctly solved units in a given time and median time for correct answers) which are both normed using percentiles and T-values. Other metrics are used to provide additional information: number of correct answers (normed); median time for incorrect answers; working time. A computer-generated report of the scores is presented which can be downloaded into a word file.

Authors: Bernd Biehl

Test Publisher: SCHUHFRIED GmbH

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