Occupational Personality Profile


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  • Last Updated 11-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 18th January 2008

Description of the Test

The OPP is a personality measure for use in occupational settings. It measures nine personality dimensions and has a distortion scale to help detect socially desirable responding. The nine scales are bipolar, so that a high or low score on each dimension measures opposite personality characteristics. The scales were chosen to be included by the author(s) following a review of theoretical and empirical research in the area of personality. They were included for two reasons: their relevance to personnel assessment and selection decisions, and the theoretical and empirical research background. The nine scales are: 1. Accommodating-Assertive 2. Detail-conscious-Flexible 3. Cynical-Trusting 4. Emotional-Phlegmatic 5. Reserved-Gregarious 6. Genuine-Persuasive 7. Composed-Contesting 8. Optimistic-Pessimistic 9. Abstract-pragmatic Each of the 98 items is a statement requiring a response on a five-point scale – Strongly agree, Agree, In between, Disagree, Strongly disagree. There are between 7 and 12 items per scale. Responses are made on a separate single page, machine-scorable answer sheet. The OPP can be administered by paper and pencil (separate question booklet and answer sheet) or on-screen, but can only be scored and interpreted using GeneSysTM computer software from the publisher. This system produces a narrative report. Interpretation of the scale scores is made in the narrative report under the heading of ‘Validity scales’, ‘Interpersonal style’, ‘Thinking style’ (e.g. areas to probe in interviews), ‘Patterns of coping with stress’, ‘Additional comments’ and Technical appendix (which includes bar charts representing stanine scores on each scale). There are also sections on Team Role Orientation, Management Style, Subordinate Style and Selling style.

Authors: R. Budd

Test Publisher: Psytech International Ltd.

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