MLQ30n Management & Leadership Questionnaire

Akshay Sharan

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  • Create Date 6-March-2020
  • Last Updated 6-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 9th July 2012

Description of the Test

The MLQ30n is a self-report questionnaire designed to provide information about an individual’s management and leadership competencies and skills. It measures 30 scales relating to different aspects of an individual’s management and leadership style, and also has two scales (Impression Management and Self-Deception) that measure impression management. The scales are grouped into six key management areas which are designed to cover the transformation and transactional aspects of management and leadership. The questionnaire consists of 192 statements (six items per scale) and the test taker is asked to rate their current performance on different competencies on a five point Likert scale ranging from "Emerging" to "Elite". It is estimated that most test takers complete the test in less than 30 min. The areas and scales measured by the MLQ30n are: 1. Strategic and Creative Thinking area: (1.1) Thinking and managing globally, (1.2) Developing strategy and acting strategically, (1.3) Managing knowledge and information, (1.4) Creating and innovating, (1.5) Managing costs and financial performance. 2. Leading and Deciding area: (2.1) Attracting and managing talent, (2.2) Motivating people and inspiring them to excel, (2.3) Coaching and developing people, (2.4) Managing culture and diversity, (2.5) Making sound decisions. 3. Developing and Changing area: (3.1) Displaying initiative and drive, (3.2) Showing courage and strength, (3.3) Learning and developing continuously, (3.4) Managing and implementing change, (3.5) Adapting and coping with pressure. 4. Implementing and Improving area: (4.1) Executing strategies and plans, (4.2) Improving processes and systems, (4.3) Managing customer relationships and services, (4.4) Analyzing issues and problems, (4.5) Managing plans and projects. 5. Communicating and Presenting area: (5.1) Facilitating and improving communication, (5.2) Influencing and persuading people, (5.3) Managing feelings and emotions, (5.4) Speaking with confidence and presenting to groups, (5.5) Writing and reporting 6. Relating and Supporting area: (6.1) Relating and networking, (6.2) Listening and showing understanding, (6.3) Building trust and modeling integrity, (6.4) Identifying and resolving conflict, (6.5) Cultivating teamwork and collaboration.

Authors: John Beazer & Allan Cameron

Test Publisher: Ltd.

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