Manchester Personality Questionnaire


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  • Create Date 6-March-2020
  • Last Updated 6-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 18th August 2006

Description of the Test

The Manchester Personality Questionnaire Factor 14 version is the focus of this review. The questionnaire can be completed in a paper and pencil format or by using computerised versions. The materials contain a profile chart that summarises the high-score end of each of the 14 scales and is pre-normed from a sample of UK professional and managerial groups. In addition, the single-page Personality Assessment Worksheet is designed to help identify the relevance of scores on the personality scales to the assessment of five predefined areas of management competence. The questionnaire is aimed at occupational use (e.g. for selection, development and training) and purports to have particular relevance to aspects of creativity and innovation. The scales are as follows: Originality, Rule consciousness, Openness to change, Assertiveness, Social confidence, Empathy, Communicativeness, Independence, Rationality, Competitiveness, Conscientiousness, Perfectionism, Decisiveness, Apprehension and, finally, a Response style scale. All of the items are fairly short statements which require a response in terms of a five-point rating scale ('Never, Occasionally, Fairly often, Generally, Always') to describe the way the respondent tends to think, feel and act. A response is made by ticking boxes on the answer sheet. From the Factor 14.2 version, scores on five additional, second-order scales can be calculated (similar to the so-called 'Big Five') using equations that are printed on the answer sheet. These scores are recorded as Stens on the profile chart. Sub-sets of the items from the Factor 14 version have been used to develop three further questionnaires: the MPQ Factor 5 version, the Manchester Creativity Questionnaire (MCQ) and the Manchester Assertiveness Questionnaire (MAQ). While these are not the focus of this review, a brief description is given below as they are so closely related to the main MPQ. 1 The materials for the Factor 5 version consist of a 50 item self-scorable combined questionnaire and answer sheet and a pre-normed profile. This questionnaire aims to give a quick measure of the 'Big FIve' personality factors in McCrae and Costa's (1987) model, which in the case of the MPQ are labelled as domains in five areas: social, emotional, organisational, moral and intellectual. 2 The Creativity and Assertiveness questionnaires are also single combined question and answer sheets with separate pre-normed profile charts. The MAQ measures 7 factors although the original review and the update review have highlighted some confusion as to the names of these, the update review describes the scale labels from the profile chart dated 1997. These are: Originating, Rule Breaking, Change Oriented, Assertive, Achieving, MCQ Average. 3 The original review identified that the Assertiveness Questionnaire measured the following scales: Perceptive, Abstract, Critical, Assertive, Persuasive and Risk-taking. The MAQ is not supported by the Test Agency and interested readers are referred to the original publisher, CIM Publications for more information.

Authors: A.P. Cameron

Test Publisher: Hogrefe Ltd.

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